Man pages for spGARCH
Spatial ARCH and GARCH Models (spGARCH)

extractAIC.spARCHComputes the Akaike information criterion
fitted.spARCHExtract model fitted values
logLik.spARCHExtract logarithmic likelihood
plot.spARCHDescriptive plots for residuals of a fitted spatial ARCH...
prostate_cancerLogarithmic incidence rates of prostate cancer and covariates
qml.SARspARCHMaximum-likelihood estimation of a spatial autoregressive...
qml.spARCHMaximum-likelihood estimation of a spatial ARCH model
residuals.spARCHExtract model residuals
spARCH_classOutput of Quasi-Maximum-Likelihood Estimation
spARCHsimSimulation of spatial ARCH models
spGARCHspGARCH - Package to fit spatial ARCH models
spGARCHsimSimulation of spatial ARCH models
summary.spARCHSummary for spARCH object
spGARCH documentation built on Sept. 2, 2020, 9:07 a.m.