Man pages for spNNGP
Spatial Regression Models for Large Datasets using Nearest Neighbor Gaussian Processes

BCEF.rdaForest Canopy Height from NASA Goddard's LiDAR Hyperspectral...
MI_TSCA.rdaOccurrence of Tsuga canadensis (Eastern hemlock) in Michigan
PGLogitFunction for Fitting Logistic Models using Polya-Gamma Latent...
predict.NNGPFunction for prediction at new locations using 'NNGP' models.
print.spDiagMethods for spDiag Object
spConjNNGPFunction for Fitting Univariate Bayesian Conjugate Spatial...
spDiagModel fit diagnostics
spNNGPFunction for Fitting Univariate Bayesian Spatial Regression...
summary.NNGPMethods for NNGP and Derived Objects
summary.PGLogitMethods for PGLogit Object
spNNGP documentation built on June 27, 2022, 5:06 p.m.