Man pages for spatial
Functions for Kriging and Point Pattern Analysis

anova.trlsAnova tables for fitted trend surface objects
correlogramCompute Spatial Correlograms
expcovSpatial Covariance Functions
KaverAverage K-functions from Simulations
KenvlCompute Envelope and Average of Simulations of K-fns
KfnCompute K-fn of a Point Pattern
ppgetregionGet Domain for Spatial Point Pattern Analyses
ppinitRead a Point Process Object from a File
pplikPseudo-likelihood Estimation of a Strauss Spatial Point...
ppregionSet Domain for Spatial Point Pattern Analyses
predict.trlsPredict method for trend surface fits
prmatEvaluate Kriging Surface over a Grid
PsimSimulate Binomial Spatial Point Process
sematEvaluate Kriging Standard Error of Prediction over a Grid
SSISimulates Sequential Spatial Inhibition Point Process
StraussSimulates Strauss Spatial Point Process
surf.glsFits a Trend Surface by Generalized Least-squares
surf.lsFits a Trend Surface by Least-squares
trls.influenceRegression diagnostics for trend surfaces
trmatEvaluate Trend Surface over a Grid
variogramCompute Spatial Variogram
spatial documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:33 p.m.