
The goal of spatialTIME is to perform basic analysis and plotting of IF data from Vectra.


You can install spatialTIME from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


spatialTIME currently implements both univariate and bi-variate Ripley’s K analyses. The basis of the spatialTIME functions is the creation of the mif object.

x <- create_mif(clinical_data = example_clinical,
                sample_data = example_summary,
                spatial_list = example_spatial,
                patient_id = "deidentified_id", sample_id = "deidentified_sample",
                clean_columns = TRUE)
## 229 patients spanning 229 samples and 5 spatial data frames were found

Additional resources

For a more in-depth description of the methods used, please see the included vignette.

For a point-and-click resource that performs related analyses please check out iTIME.

Try the spatialTIME package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

spatialTIME documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:35 a.m.