Man pages for spc4sts
Statistical Process Control for Stochastic Textured Surfaces

adOne-Sample Anderson-Darling Statistic
bpBox-Pierce-Type Statistic
climitControl Limit and Diagnostic Threshold Construction
climit.objectControl Limit and Diagnostic Threshold Construction Object
dataPrepNeighborhood Data Preparation
diagnoseLDDiagnose Local Defects on Stochastic Textured Surfaces
disMatPairwise Dissimilarity Matrix of Stochastic Textured Surfaces
exptailecdfEmpirical Cumulative Distribution Function with Exponential...
exptailecdf.objectEmpirical Cumulative Distribution Function with Exponential...
imposeDefectSuperimpose A Local Defect
kerMatEpanechnikov quadratic kernel matrix
mbChangeMatchbox Change
monitoringStatMonitoring Statistic for Stochastic Textured Surfaces
pexptailecdfPredictions from an Exptailecdf Object
plotccControl Chart Plotting
sarGenStochastic Autoregressive Image Generator
showNbShow Neighborhood
smsSpatial Moving Statistic
spaCovSpatial Weighted Covariance
spc4sts-packageStatistical Process Control for Stochastic Textured Surfaces
surfacemodelStatistical reprentations of stochastic textured surfaces...
twmsTime-Weighted Moving Statistic
spc4sts documentation built on May 24, 2022, 5:07 p.m.