Man pages for spdesign
Designing Stated Preference Experiments

all_priors_and_levels_specifiedCheck whether all priors and attributes have specified levels
any_duplicatesCheck whether any priors or attributes are specified with a...
attribute_level_balanceCheck whether we can achieve attribute level balance
attribute_levelsGeneric for getting the attributes and levels from the...
attribute_namesGeneric for getting the attribute names
blockBlock the design
calculate_efficiencyCalculate efficiency
calculate_efficiency_criteriaCalculate efficiency criteria
clean_utilityCleans the utility expression
coef.spdesignGeneric for extracting the vector of priors
contains_dummiesCheck whether the utility function contains dummy coded...
cycleCycling of attribute levels
define_base_x_jDefine base x_j
define_x_jDefine x_j
derive_vcovDerive the variance covariance matrix of the design
derive_vcov_mnlDerive the variance covariance matrix for the MNL model
derive_vcov_rplDerive the variance covariance matrix for the RPL model
digitizeExpand the sequence of integers
dot-onAttachPrint package startup message
dummy_namesFind the position of the dummy coded attributes
evaluate_design_candidateEvaluate the design candidate
excludeExclude rows from the candidate set
expand_attribute_levelsExpand the list of attributes and levels to the "wide" format
extract_all_namesExtract all names
extract_attribute_namesExtract attribute names
extract_distributionExtract distributions
extract_level_occurrenceExtract the frequency of levels
extract_named_valuesExtracts the named values of the utility function
extract_param_distributionExtract the parameter distribution
extract_param_namesExtract parameter names
extract_prior_distributionExtract the prior distribution
extract_specifiedExtract specified
extract_unparsed_valuesExtract unparsed named values of the utilitiy function
extract_valuesExtract the value argument(s)
federovFind a design using a modified Federov algorithm
fits_lvl_occurrencesTest whether a design candidate fits the constraints imposed...
full_factorialGenerate the full factorial
generate_designGenerate an efficient experimental design
generate_rsc_candidateGenerates a candidate for the RSC algorithm
has_bayesian_priorTests whether the utility expression contains Bayesian priors
has_random_parameterTests whether the utility expression contains random...
is_balancedTests whether a utility function is balanced
level_balancePrint level balance of your design
lvl_occurrencesAttribute level occurrence lookup tables
make_drawsMake random draws
make_mlhsMake Modified Latin Hypercube Draws
make_pseudo_randomMake pseudo random draws
make_scrambled_haltonMake scrambled Halton draws
make_scrambled_sobolMake scrambled sobol draws
make_standard_haltonWrapper for halton()
make_standard_sobolMake sobol draws
min_lvl_occurrenceFind minimum level occurrences
nlvlsFind the number of levels
normalEvaluating a distribution
occurrencesExtract or set attribute level occurrences
prepare_priorsPrepare the list of priors
print_efficiency_criteriaCreates a printable version of the efficiency criteria
print_initial_headerPrints the initial header for the table of results
print_iteration_informationPrints iteration information
print.spdesignA generic function for printing an 'spdesign' object
priorsGeneric for extracting the vector of priors
probabilitiesCalculate the probabilities of the design
probabilities_mnlCalculate the MNL probabilities
radical_inverseCompute the radical inverse
randomMake a random design
random_design_candidateCreate a random design_object candidate
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
relabelRelabeling of attribute levels
remove_all_bracketsRemoves all brackets
remove_priorRemoves the parameter from the utility string
remove_round_bracketsRemove round bracket
remove_square_bracketsRemove square bracket
remove_whitespaceRemove all white spaces
rep_colsRepeat columns
rep_rowsRepeat rows
rscMake a design candidate based on the rsc algorithm
set_default_level_occurrenceSets the default level occurrence in an attribute level...
set_default_optionsValidate design opt
shuffleShuffle the order of points in the unit interval.
spdesign-packagespdesign: Designing Stated Preference Experiments
summary.spdesignCreate a summary of the experimental design
swapSwapping of attribute
too_smallCheck if the design is too small
transform_distributionTransform distribution
transform_lognormalTransform to the lognormal distribution
transform_normalTransform to the normal distribution
transform_triangularTransform to the triangular distribution
transform_uniformTransform to the uniform distribution
update_utilityUpdate the utility function
utility_formulaCreate formulas from the utility functions
vcov.spdesignExtract the variance co-variance matrix
spdesign documentation built on Oct. 18, 2024, 5:07 p.m.