Man pages for splash
Simple Process-Led Algorithms for Simulating Habitats

berger_tlsCalculate true anomaly and true longitude
calc_daily_evapCalculate daily evaporation fluxes
calc_daily_solarCalculate daily solar radiation fluxes
dcosCalculate cosine of an angle
density_h2oCalculate density of water at 1 atm, g/cm^3
dsinCalculate sine of an angle
elv2presElevation to pressure
enthalpy_vapCalculate enthalpy of vaporization
julian_dayCalculate Julian day
psychroCalculate psychrometric constant
quick_runCalculate daily soil moisture and runoff
read_csvRead CSV file
read_txtRead plain text file
run_one_dayRuns SPLASH at a single location for one day
sat_slopeCalculate the temperature-dependent slope
specific_heatCalculate specific heat
spin_upCalculate daily totals
splash-packagesplash: Simple Process-Led Algorithms for Simulating Habitats
splash documentation built on Oct. 12, 2022, 5:07 p.m.