Man pages for splinetree
Longitudinal Regression Trees and Forests

avSizeCompute the average tree size in a forest
flatten_predictorsFlattens predictor variable data into one row per person
forestSample forest used in vignettes
getBasisMatGet the basis matrix to be used for this spline tree
getNodeDataRetrieve the subset of the data found at a given terminal...
importanceSample importance used in vignettes
individual_splineGet spline coefficients for a single person
nlsySampleBaseline socioeconomic information and BMI of 100...
nodePlotPlots the trajectories of each terminal node side by side.
plotImpCreate a barplot of relative variable importance scores.
plotNodePlot the predicted trajectory for a single node
predictCoeffsPredict spline coefficients for a testset using a spline tree
predictCoeffsForestPredict spline coefficients for a testset using a...
predictYPredictions from a spline tree
predictYForestPredict responses for a testset using a splineforest.
predict_y_trainingPredict responses for the training data
projectedR2Computes percent of variation in projected response explained...
projectedR2ForestComputes a level-based or shape-based evaluation metric for a...
pruneForestPrune each tree in forest using a given complexity parameter.
rpartcoCalculates coordinates for tree plot
spaghettiPlotCreate a faceted spaghetti plot of a splinetree model
spline_evalCustom rpart eval function.
splineForestBuild a spline random forest.
splineforest_splitCustom rpart split function for spline random forests
spline_initCustom rpart init function
spline_splitCustom rpart split function.
splineTreeBuild a splinetree model.
splineTreePlotCreates a tree plot of a spline tree.
stPlotPlots a splinetree.
stPrintPrint a spline tree in the style of print.rpart
terminalNodeSummaryPrints a summary of a terminal node in a tree
treeSample tree used in examples
tree.depthGiven a list of node numbers, returns the depth at which...
treeSimilarityReturns a measure of how similar the two trees are.
treeSizeReturns number of terminal nodes in a tree.
treeSummaryReturns the tree frame.
varImpCoeffRandom Forest Variable Importance based on spline...
varImpYRandom Forest Variable Importance based on Y
yR2Computes percent of variation in response explained by spline...
yR2ForestComputes a level-based evaluation metric for a splineforest...
splinetree documentation built on July 18, 2019, 9:08 a.m.