Man pages for spnet
Plotting (Social) Networks on Maps

color2blackwhiteConvert colors to contrasted gray level for black and white...
extract-methodsExtract or replace parts of a SpatialNetwork object
graph.barplot.bgcolorGet the barplot background color of a 'SpatialNetwork' object
graph.barplot.bgcolor-setSet the barplot background color of a 'SpatialNetwork' object
graph.barplot.bound.lowerGet the barplot lower bound position of a 'SpatialNetwork'...
graph.barplot.bound.lower-setSet the barplot lower bound position of a 'SpatialNetwork'...
graph.barplot.bound.upperGet the barplot upper bound position of a 'SpatialNetwork'...
graph.barplot.bound.upper-setSet the barplot upper bound position of a 'SpatialNetwork'...
graph.barplot.fgcolorGet the barplot foreground color of a 'SpatialNetwork' object
graph.barplot.fgcolor-setSet the barplot foreground color of a 'SpatialNetwork' object
graph.barplot.listGet the list of all barplot parameters of a 'SpatialNetwork'...
graph.barplot.list-setSet the list of all barplot parameters of a 'SpatialNetwork'...
graph.barplot.variableGet the barplot variable of a 'SpatialNetwork' object
graph.barplot.variable-setSet the barplot variable of a 'SpatialNetwork' object
graph.barplot.widthGet the barplot width of a 'SpatialNetwork' object
graph.barplot.width-setSet the barplot width of a 'SpatialNetwork' object
graph.blackwhite.enableGet the black and white mode status of a 'SpatialNetwork'...
graph.blackwhite.enable-setSet the black and white mode status of a 'SpatialNetwork'...
graph.blackwhite.listGet the list of all black and white mode parameters of a...
graph.blackwhite.list-setSet the list of all black and white mode parameters of a...
graph.blackwhite.maxGet the black and white mode maximal gray value of a...
graph.blackwhite.max-setSet the black and white mode maximal gray value of a...
graph.blackwhite.minGet the black and white mode minimal gray value of a...
graph.blackwhite.min-setSet the black and white mode minimal gray value of a...
graph.color.backgroundGet the background color of a 'SpatialNetwork' object
graph.color.background-setSet the background color of a 'SpatialNetwork' object
graph.color.borderGet the border color of a 'SpatialNetwork' object
graph.color.border-setSet the border color of a 'SpatialNetwork' object
graph.color.legendGet the color legend of a 'SpatialNetwork' object
graph.color.legend-setSet the color legend of a 'SpatialNetwork' object
graph.color.listGet the list of all color parameters of a 'SpatialNetwork'...
graph.color.list-setSet the list of all color parameters of a 'SpatialNetwork'...
graph.color.nodeGet the default color of a node of a 'SpatialNetwork' object
graph.color.node-setSet the default color of a node of a 'SpatialNetwork' object
graph.color.regionGet the default color of a region of a 'SpatialNetwork'...
graph.color.region-setSet the default color of a region of a 'SpatialNetwork'...
graph.color.variableGet the color variable of a 'SpatialNetwork' object
graph.color.variable-setSet the color variable of a 'SpatialNetwork' object
graph.label.cexGet the label cex of a 'SpatialNetwork' object
graph.label.cex-setSet the label cex of a 'SpatialNetwork' object
graph.label.colorGet the label color of a 'SpatialNetwork' object
graph.label.color-setSet the label color of a 'SpatialNetwork' object
graph.label.listGet the list of all label parameters of a 'SpatialNetwork'...
graph.label.list-setSet the list of all label parameters of a 'SpatialNetwork'...
graph.label.variableGet the label variable of a 'SpatialNetwork' object
graph.label.variable-setSet the label variable of a 'SpatialNetwork' object
graph.layout.listGet the list of all layout parameters of a 'SpatialNetwork'...
graph.layout.list-setSet the list of all layout parameters of a 'SpatialNetwork'...
graph.legend.cexGet the legend cex parameter of a 'SpatialNetwork' object
graph.legend.cex-setSet the legend cex parameter of a 'SpatialNetwork' object
graph.legend.horizGet the legend horizontal or vertical setting of a...
graph.legend.horiz-setSet the legend horizontal or vertical setting of a...
graph.legend.line.widthGet the legend line width parameter of a 'SpatialNetwork'...
graph.legend.line.width-setSet the legend line width parameter of a 'SpatialNetwork'...
graph.legend.listGet the list of all legend parameters of a 'SpatialNetwork'...
graph.legend.list-setSet the list of all legend parameters of a 'SpatialNetwork'...
graph.legend.ncolGet the legend number of columns of a 'SpatialNetwork' object
graph.legend.ncol-setSet the legend number of columns of a 'SpatialNetwork' object
graph.legend.printGet the legend print (yes/no) status of a 'SpatialNetwork'...
graph.legend.print-setSet the legend print (yes/no) status of a 'SpatialNetwork'...
graph.mapGet the map to a 'SpatialNetwork' object a map labelled with the ID numbering the map to a 'SpatialNetwork' object the arrow color of a given network of a 'SpatialNetwork'... the arrow color of a given network of a 'SpatialNetwork'... the arrow head length of a given network of a... the arrow head length of a given network of a... the arrow head type of a given network of a... the arrow head type of a given network of a... the arrow line type of a given network of a... the arrow line type of a given network of a... the arrow opacity of a given network of a... the arrow opacity of a given network of a... the arrow shift on the x axis of a given network of a... the arrow shift on the x axis of a given network of a... the arrow shift on the y axis of a given network of a... the arrow shift on the y axis of a given network of a... the arrow shortening of a given network of a... the arrow shortening of a given network of a... the arrow thickness of a given network of a... the arrow thickness of a given network of a... the data of a given network of a 'SpatialNetwork' object the data of a given network of a 'SpatialNetwork' object if a network exist the label of a given network of a 'SpatialNetwork' object the label of a given network of a 'SpatialNetwork' object the list of all parameters of a given network of a... the list of all parameters of a given network of a...
graph.networks.add-setAdd a network
graph.networks.listGet the list of all networks parameters of a 'SpatialNetwork'...
graph.networks.list-setSet the list of all networks parameters of a 'SpatialNetwork'...
graph.networks.remove-setRemove a network
graph.par.listGet the list of all par parameters of a 'SpatialNetwork'...
graph.par.list-setSet the list of all par parameters of a 'SpatialNetwork'...
graph.symbol.cexGet the symbol cex parameter of a 'SpatialNetwork' object
graph.symbol.cex-setSet the symbol cex parameter of a 'SpatialNetwork' object
graph.symbol.colorGet the symbol color of a 'SpatialNetwork' object
graph.symbol.color-setSet the symbol color of a 'SpatialNetwork' object
graph.symbol.legendGet the symbol legend of a 'SpatialNetwork' object
graph.symbol.legend-setSet the symbol legend of a 'SpatialNetwork' object
graph.symbol.listGet the list of all symbol parameters of a 'SpatialNetwork'...
graph.symbol.list-setSet the list of all symbol parameters of a 'SpatialNetwork'...
graph.symbol.shift.xGet the symbol shift on the x axis of a 'SpatialNetwork'...
graph.symbol.shift.x-setSet the symbol shift on the x axis of a 'SpatialNetwork'...
graph.symbol.shift.yGet the symbol shift on the y axis of a 'SpatialNetwork'...
graph.symbol.shift.y-setSet the symbol shift on the y axis of a 'SpatialNetwork'...
graph.symbol.variableGet the symbol variable of a 'SpatialNetwork' object
graph.symbol.variable-setSet the symbol variable of a 'SpatialNetwork' object
graph.title.listGet the list of all title parameters of a 'SpatialNetwork'...
graph.title.list-setSet the list of all title parameters of a 'SpatialNetwork'...
graph.title.mainGet the main title of a 'SpatialNetwork' object
graph.title.main-setSet the main title of a 'SpatialNetwork' object
graph.title.subGet the sub title of a 'SpatialNetwork' object
graph.title.sub-setSet the sub title of a 'SpatialNetwork' object
SpatialNetworkClass '"SpatialNetwork"'
spnetPlotting social networks on maps
spnet.createCreate a 'SpatialNetwork' object
spnet.example.basicSpnet basic examples
spnet.get.local.user.manualGet the local copy of the spnet user manual TM_WORLD_BORDERS_SIMPL-0.3 world map.
spnet documentation built on May 2, 2019, 10:56 a.m.