Man pages for spork
Generalized Label Formatting

as.expression.plotmathCoerce Plotmath to Expression
as_htmlCoerce to Html
as_html.sparConvert One Spork to Html
as_html.sporkConvert Spork to Html
as_latexCoerce to Latex
as_latex.defaultConvert Default to Latex
as_latex.sparConvert One Spork to Latex
as_latex.sporkConvert Spork to Latex
as.list.sporkCoerce Spork to List
as_plotmathCoerce to Plotmath
as_plotmath.sparConvert One Spork to Plotmath
as_plotmath.sporkConvert Spork to Plotmath
as.png.plotmathConvert Plotmath to PNG
as.png.sporkConvert Spork to PNG
as_previewPreview Something
as_preview.latexPreview Spork as Latex
as_preview.plotmathPreview Spork as Plotmath
as_previewsCompare Previews
as_previews.sporkCompare Previews of Spork
as_sparParse Spork.
as_spar.sporkParse Spork
as_sporkCoerce to Spork
as_spork.characterCoerce Character to Spork
as_spork.factorCoerce Factor to Spork
as_spork.sporkCoerce Spork to Spork
concatenateConcatenate Something
concatenate.characterConcatenate Character
concatenate.latexConcatenate Latex
concatenate.NULLConcatenate NULL
concatenate.plotmathConcatenate Plotmath
ggplot.plotmathPlot Plotmath
ggplot.sporkPlot Spork
goodTokenTest Whether Token is Parseable
htmlTokenProcess Html Token
latexTokenProcess Latex Token
plotmathTokenProcess Plotmath Token
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
sub-.htmlSubset Html
sub-.latexSubset Latex
sub-.plotmathSubset Plotmath
sub-.sporkSubset Spork
sub-sub-.htmlElement-select Html
sub-sub-.latexElement-select Latex
sub-sub-.plotmathElement-select Plotmath
sub-sub-.sporkElement-select Spork
spork documentation built on Sept. 16, 2023, 9:06 a.m.