Man pages for spotifyr
R Wrapper for the 'Spotify' Web API

add_tracks_to_playlistAdd Tracks to User’s Playlist
change_playlist_detailsChange a playlist’s name and public/private state. (The user...
check_me_followingCheck Me Following
check_users_followingCheck if Users Follow a Playlist
create_playlistCreate Playlist for User
dedupe_album_namesRemove duplicate album names
follow_artists_or_usersAdd Current User as Follower Artists or Other Users
follow_playlistAdd Current User to Followers of Playlist.
get_albumGet Spotify catalog information for a single album.
get_albumsGet Spotify catalog information for multiple albums...
get_album_tracksGet Spotify catalog information about an album’s tracks....
get_artistGet Spotify catalog information for a single artist...
get_artist_albumsGet Spotify catalog information for multiple artists...
get_artist_audio_featuresGet Audio Features For Artists' Discography
get_artistsGet Spotify catalog information for multiple artists...
get_artist_top_tracksGet Spotify catalog information about an artist’s top tracks...
get_categoriesGet a list of Spotify categories
get_categoryGet a single category used to tag items
get_category_playlistsGet a list of Spotify playlists tagged with a particular...
get_featured_playlistsGet list of Spotify featured playlists
get_genre_artistsSearch for Artists by Genre
get_label_artistsSearch for artists by label
get_my_currently_playingGet the object currently being played on the user’s Spotify...
get_my_current_playbackGet information about the user’s current playback state,...
get_my_devicesGet information about a user’s available devices.
get_my_followed_artistsGet My Followed Artists
get_my_playlistsGet List of My Playlists
get_my_profileGet User Profile Information
get_my_recently_playedGet Current User's Recently Played Tracks
get_my_saved_albumsGet Current User's Saved Albums
get_my_saved_tracksGet User's Saved Tracks
get_my_top_artists_or_tracksGet User’s Top Artists or Tracks
get_new_releasesGet new releases
get_playlistGet User Playlist
get_playlist_audio_featuresGet Features and Popularity of Playlists on Spotify
get_playlist_cover_imageGet Image Associated with Playlist
get_playlist_tracksGet Details of User Playlist Tracks.
get_recommendationsCreate a playlist-style listening experience based on seed...
get_recommendations_allGet recommendations for unlimited vector of track IDs
get_related_artistsGet Spotify catalog information about artists similar to a...
get_showGet Spotify catalog information for a single show.
get_show_episodesGet Spotify catalog information about an show's episodes....
get_showsGet Spotify catalog information for multiple shows identified...
get_spotify_access_tokenGet Spotify Access Token
get_spotify_authorization_codeGet Spotify Authorization Code
get_trackGet Spotify catalog information for a single track identified...
get_track_audio_analysisGet a detailed audio analysis for a single track identified...
get_track_audio_featuresGet audio features of tracks
get_tracksGet Spotify catalog information for a single track identified...
get_user_audio_featuresGet User Playlist Audio Features
get_user_playlistsGet List of User Playlists
get_user_profileGet User Public Profile Information
is_uriCheck if a string matches the pattern of a Spotify URI
pause_my_playbackPause Playback
pipePipe operator
pitch_class_lookupPitch class notation lookup
remove_tracks_from_playlistRemove Tracks from User’s Playlist
scopesValid Authorization Scopes
search_spotifySearch for an Item
seek_to_positionSeeks to the given position in the user’s currently playing...
set_my_repeat_modeSet User Playback Mode
set_my_volumeSet User Device Volume
skip_my_playbackSkips to Next Track
skip_my_playback_previousSkips to previous track in the user’s queue.
spotifyr'spotifyr' package
start_my_playbackSkips to previous track in the user’s queue.
tidyTidy a Playlist
toggle_my_shuffleToggle shuffle on or off for user’s playback.
transfer_my_playbackTransfer playback to a new device and determine if it should...
unfollow_playlistRemove Current User from Followers of Playlist.
validate_countryValidate country parameter
validate_include_meta_infoValidate include_meta_info parameter
validate_limitValidate limit parameter
validate_localeValidate locale parameter
validate_marketValidate market parameter
validate_offsetValidate offset parameter
validate_parametersAssertion for Correct API Requests.
validate_position_msvalidate position_ms parameter
validate_statevalidate state parameter
validate_time_rangevalidate time_range parameter
validate_type_artist_or_userValidate type paramter for 'artists' or 'user'.
validate_type_artists_or_tracksValidate type paramter for 'artists' or 'tracks'
validate_volume_percentValidate volume percent parameter
verify_resultVerify API Result
spotifyr documentation built on Dec. 28, 2022, 2:08 a.m.