Man pages for spqdep
Testing for Spatial Independence of Qualitative Data in Cross Section

cr_symbA function to create symbols
dgp.spqGeneration of qualitative process with spatial structure
FastFood.sfSelection of fast food restaurants in Toronto
jc.testA function to compute joint-count test for binomial and...
local.sp.runs.testA function to calculate the local spatial runs tests.
methods_localsrqMethods for class localsrq
methods_m_surrMethod for class m_surr
methods_qmapMethod for class qmap
methods_scantestMethods for class scantest
methods_spqtestMethods for class spqtest
m.surroundA function to generate m-surroundings
nb2nb_orderA function to order the elements of the m_i-subrrounds
Newark.sfExtract of 1880 US Census for Newark, New Jersey.
plot.sprunstestPlot the empirical distribution of runs
print.summary.spjctestPrint method for objects of class summary.spjctest.
print.summary.spqtestPrint method for objects of class summary.spqtest.
provinces_spainProvinces in Spain. the QE and QI tests of Equivalence and Independence...
Q.testA function to compute Q test for spatial qualitative data
scan.testCompute the scan test
similarity.testCompute the similarity test.
spqdep-packageTesting for Spatial Dependence of Qualitative Data in Cross...
sp.runs.testCompute the global spatial runs test.
summary.spjctestSummary of estimated objects of class _spjctest_.
summary.spqtestSummary of estimated objects of class _spqtest_.
spqdep documentation built on March 28, 2022, 5:06 p.m.