scan.test | R Documentation |
This function compute the spatial scan test for Bernoulli and Multinomial categorical spatial process, and detect spatial clusters
scan.test(formula = NULL, data = NULL, fx = NULL, coor = NULL, case = NULL, nv = NULL, nsim = NULL, distr = NULL, windows = "circular", listw = NULL, alternative = "High", minsize = 1, control = list())
formula |
a symbolic description of the factor (optional). |
data |
an (optional) data frame or a sf object containing the variable to testing for. |
fx |
a factor (optional). |
coor |
(optional) coordinates of observations. |
case |
Only for Bernoulli distribution. A element of factor, there are cases and non-cases for testing for cases versus non-cases |
nv |
Maximum windows size, default nv = N/2. The algorithm scan for clusters of geographic size between 1 and the upper limit (nv) defined by the user. |
nsim |
Number of permutations. |
distr |
distribution of the spatial process: "bernoulli" for two levels or "multinomial" for three or more levels. |
windows |
a string to select the type of cluster "circular" (default) of "elliptic". |
listw |
only for flexible windows. A neighbours list (an object of the class listw, nb or knn frop spdep) or an adjacency matrix. |
alternative |
Only for Bernoulli spatial process. A character string specifying the type of cluster, must be one of "High" (default), "Both" or "Low". |
minsize |
Minimum number of observations inside of Most Likely Cluster and secondary clusters. |
control |
List of additional control arguments. |
Two alternative sets of arguments can be included in this function to compute the scan test:
Option 1
: A factor (fx) and coordinates (coor).
Option 2
: A sf object (data) and the formula to specify the factor.
The function consider the coordinates of the centroids of the elements of th sf object.
The spatial scan statistics are widely used in epidemiology, criminology or ecology.
Their purpose is to analyse the spatial distribution of points or geographical
regions by testing the hypothesis of spatial randomness distribution on the
basis of different distributions (e.g. Bernoulli, Poisson or Normal distributions).
The scan.test
function obtain the scan statistic for two relevant distributions related
with categorical variables: the Bernoulli and Multinomial distribution.
The spatial scan statistic is based on the likelihood ratio test statistic and
is formulated as follows:
Δ = { \max_{z \in Z,H_A} L(θ|z) \over \max_{z \in Z,H_0} L(θ|z)}
where Z represents the collection of scanning windows constructed on the study region,
H_A is an alternative hypothesis, H_0 is a null hypothesis, and L(θ|z)
is the likelihood function with parameter θ given window Z
The null hypothesis says that there is no spatial clustering on the study region, and
the alternative hypothesis is that there is a certain area with high (or low) rates of
outcome variables. The null and alternative hypotheses and the likelihood function may
be expressed in different ways depending on the probability model under consideration.
To test independence in a spatial process, under the null, the type of windows is
irrelevant but under the alternative the elliptic
windows can to identify with more precision the cluster.
For big data sets (N >>) the windows = "elliptic" can be so slowly
Bernoulli version
When we have dichotomous outcome variables, such as cases and noncases of certain
diseases, the Bernoulli model is used. The null hypothesis is written as
H_0 : p = q \ \ for \ \ all \ \ Z
and the alternative hypothesis is
H_A : p \neq q \ \ for \ \ some \ \ Z
where p and q are the outcome probabilities (e.g., the probability of being a case)
inside and outside scanning window Z, respectively. Given window Z, the test statistic is:
where cz and nz are the numbers of cases and observations (cases and noncases) within z,
respectively, and C and N are the total numbers of cases and observations in the whole
study region, respectively.
Δ =
Multinomial version of the scan test
The multinomial version of the spatial scan statistic is useful to investigate clustering
when a discrete spatial variable can take one and only one of k possible outcomes
that lack intrinsic order information. If the region defined by the moving window
is denoted by Z, the null hypothesis for the statistic can be stated as follows:
H_0: p_1 = q_1;p_2 = q_2;...;p_k = q_k
where p_j is the probability of being of event type j inside the window Z,
and q_j is the probability of being of event type j outside the window.
The alternative hypothesis is that for at least one type event the probability
of being of that type is different inside and outside of the window.
The statistic is built as a likelihood ratio, and takes the following form after transformation using the natural logarithm:
Δ = \max_Z \{∑_j \{ S_j^Z log({ S_j^Z \over S^Z }) + (S_j-S_j^Z) log({ {S_j-S_j^Z} \over {S-S^Z} })\}\}-∑_j S_j log({ S_j \over S })
where S is the total number of events in the study area and S_j is the total number
of events of type j. The superscript Z denotes the same but for the sub-region
defined by the moving window.
The theoretical distribution of the statistic under the null hypothesis is not known,
and therefore significance is evaluated numerically by simulating neutral landscapes
(obtained using a random spatial process) and contrasting the empirically calculated
statistic against the frequency of values obtained from the neutral landscapes.
The results of the likelihood ratio serve to identify the most likely cluster,
which is followed by secondary clusters by the expedient of sorting them according to
the magnitude of the test. As usual, significance is assigned by the analyst, and the
cutoff value for significance reflects the confidence of the analyst, or tolerance for error.
When implementing the statistic, the analyst must decide the shape of the
window and the maximum number of cases that any given window can cover.
Currently, analysis can be done using circular or elliptical windows.
Elliptical windows are more time consuming to evaluate but provide greater
flexibility to contrast the distribution of events inside and outside the window,
and are our selected shape in the analyses to follow. Furthermore, it is recommended
that the maximum number of cases entering any given window does not exceed 50% of
all available cases.
A object of the htest and scantest class
method | The type of test applied (). |
fx | Factor included as input to get the scan test. |
MLC | Observations included into the Most Likelihood Cluster (MLC). |
statistic | Value of the scan test (maximum Log-likelihood ratio). |
N | Total number of observations. |
nn | Windows used to get the cluster. |
nv | Maximum number of observations into the cluster. | | A character string giving the name of the factor. |
coor | coordinates. |
alternative | Only for bernoulli spatial process. A character string describing the alternative hypothesis select by the user. |
p.value | p-value of the scan test. |
cases.expect | Expected cases into the MLC. |
cases.observ | Observed cases into the MLC. |
nsim | Number of permutations. | | a (nsim x 1) vector with the loglik values under bootstrap permutation. |
secondary.clusters | a list with the observations included into the secondary clusters. |
loglik.second | a vector with the value of the secondary scan tests (maximum Log-likelihood ratio). |
p.value.secondary | a vector with the p-value of the secondary scan tests. |
Alternative.MLC | A vector with the observations included in another cluster with the same loglik than MLC. |
seedinit | Numerical value for the seed (only for boot version). Default value seedinit=123 |
Fernando López | |
Román Mínguez | |
Antonio Páez | |
Manuel Ruiz | |
Kulldorff M, Nagarwalla N. (1995). Spatial disease clusters: Detection and Inference. Statistics in Medicine. 14:799-810
Jung I, Kulldorff M, Richard OJ (2010). A spatial scan statistic for multinomial data. Statistics in Medicine. 29(18), 1910-1918
Páez, A., López-Hernández, F.A., Ortega-García, J.A., Ruiz, M. (2016). Clustering and co-occurrence of cancer types: A comparison of techniques with an application to pediatric cancer in Murcia, Spain. Spatial Analysis in Health Geography, 69-90.
Tango T., Takahashi K. (2005). A flexibly shaped spatial scan statistic for detecting clusters, International Journal of Health Geographics 4:11.
, dgp.spq
, Q.test
# Case 1: Scan test bernoulli data(provinces_spain) sf::sf_use_s2(FALSE) provinces_spain$Male2Female <- factor(provinces_spain$Male2Female > 100) levels(provinces_spain$Male2Female) = c("men","woman") formula <- ~ Male2Female scan <- scan.test(formula = formula, data = provinces_spain, case="men", nsim = 99, distr = "bernoulli") print(scan) summary(scan) plot(scan, sf = provinces_spain) ## With maximum number of neighborhood scan <- scan.test(formula = formula, data = provinces_spain, case = "woman", nsim = 99, distr = "bernoulli") print(scan) plot(scan, sf = provinces_spain) ## With elliptic windows scan <- scan.test(formula = formula, data = provinces_spain, case = "men", nv = 25, nsim = 99, distr = "bernoulli", windows ="elliptic") print(scan) scan <- scan.test(formula = formula, data = provinces_spain, case = "men", nv = 15, nsim = 99, distr = "bernoulli", windows ="elliptic", alternative = "Low") print(scan) plot(scan, sf = provinces_spain) # Case 2: scan test multinomial data(provinces_spain) provinces_spain$Older <- cut(provinces_spain$Older, breaks = c(-Inf,19,22.5,Inf)) levels(provinces_spain$Older) = c("low","middle","high") formula <- ~ Older scan <- scan.test(formula = formula, data = provinces_spain, nsim = 99, distr = "multinomial") print(scan) plot(scan, sf = provinces_spain) # Case 3: scan test multinomial data(FastFood.sf) sf::sf_use_s2(FALSE) formula <- ~ Type scan <- scan.test(formula = formula, data = FastFood.sf, nsim = 99, distr = "multinomial", windows="elliptic", nv = 50) print(scan) summary(scan) plot(scan, sf = FastFood.sf) # Case 4: DGP two categories N <- 150 cx <- runif(N) cy <- runif(N) listw <- spdep::knearneigh(cbind(cx,cy), k = 10) p <- c(1/2,1/2) rho <- 0.5 fx <- dgp.spq(p = p, listw = listw, rho = rho) scan <- scan.test(fx = fx, nsim = 99, case = "A", nv = 50, coor = cbind(cx,cy), distr = "bernoulli",windows="circular") print(scan) plot(scan) # Case 5: DGP three categories N <- 200 cx <- runif(N) cy <- runif(N) listw <- spdep::knearneigh(cbind(cx,cy), k = 10) p <- c(1/3,1/3,1/3) rho <- 0.5 fx <- dgp.spq(p = p, listw = listw, rho = rho) scan <- scan.test(fx = fx, nsim = 19, coor = cbind(cx,cy), nv = 30, distr = "multinomial", windows = "elliptic") print(scan) plot(scan) # Case 6: Flexible windows data(provinces_spain) sf::sf_use_s2(FALSE) provinces_spain$Male2Female <- factor(provinces_spain$Male2Female > 100) levels(provinces_spain$Male2Female) = c("men","woman") formula <- ~ Male2Female listw <- spdep::poly2nb(provinces_spain, queen = FALSE) scan <- scan.test(formula = formula, data = provinces_spain, case="men", listw = listw, nv = 6, nsim = 99, distr = "bernoulli", windows = "flexible") print(scan) summary(scan) plot(scan, sf = provinces_spain)
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