#' @title Compute the scan test
#' @description This function compute the spatial scan test for Bernoulli and
#' Multinomial categorical spatial process, and detect spatial clusters
#' @param data an (optional) data frame or a sf object containing the variable to testing for.
#' @param formula a symbolic description of the factor (optional).
#' @param fx a factor (optional).
#' @param coor (optional) coordinates of observations.
#' @param case Only for Bernoulli distribution. A element of factor, there are cases and non-cases for testing for cases versus non-cases
#' @param nv Maximum windows size, default nv = N/2. The algorithm scan for clusters of geographic size between 1
#' and the upper limit (nv) defined by the user.
#' @param nsim Number of permutations.
#' @param alternative Only for Bernoulli spatial process. A character string specifying the type of cluster, must be one
#' of "High" (default), "Both" or "Low".
#' @param distr distribution of the spatial process: "bernoulli" for two levels or "multinomial" for three or more levels.
#' @param windows a string to select the type of cluster "circular" (default) of "elliptic".
#' @param listw only for flexible windows. A neighbours list (an object of the class listw, nb or knn frop spdep) or an adjacency matrix.
#' @param minsize Minimum number of observations inside of Most Likely Cluster and secondary clusters.
#' @param control List of additional control arguments.
#' @usage scan.test(formula = NULL, data = NULL, fx = NULL, coor = NULL, case = NULL,
#' nv = NULL, nsim = NULL, distr = NULL, windows = "circular", listw = NULL,
#' alternative = "High", minsize = 1, control = list())
#' @details
#' Two alternative sets of arguments can be included in this function to compute the scan test:
#' \itemize{
#' \item {\code{Option 1}: A factor (fx) and coordinates (coor)}.
#' \item {\code{Option 2}: A sf object (data) and the formula to specify the factor.
#' The function consider the coordinates of the centroids of the elements of th sf object.}
#' }
#' The spatial scan statistics are widely used in epidemiology, criminology or ecology.
#' Their purpose is to analyse the spatial distribution of points or geographical
#' regions by testing the hypothesis of spatial randomness distribution on the
#' basis of different distributions (e.g. Bernoulli, Poisson or Normal distributions).
#' The \code{scan.test} function obtain the scan statistic for two relevant distributions related
#' with categorical variables: the Bernoulli and Multinomial distribution.\cr
#' The spatial scan statistic is based on the likelihood ratio test statistic and
#' is formulated as follows:\cr
#' \deqn{\Delta = { \max_{z \in Z,H_A} L(\theta|z) \over \max_{z \in Z,H_0} L(\theta|z)}}
#' where Z represents the collection of scanning windows constructed on the study region,
#' \eqn{H_A} is an alternative hypothesis, \eqn{H_0} is a null hypothesis, and \eqn{L(\theta|z)}
#' is the likelihood function with parameter \eqn{\theta} given window Z\cr.
#' The null hypothesis says that there is no spatial clustering on the study region, and
#' the alternative hypothesis is that there is a certain area with high (or low) rates of
#' outcome variables. The null and alternative hypotheses and the likelihood function may
#' be expressed in different ways depending on the probability model under consideration.\cr
#' To test independence in a spatial process, under the null, the type of windows is
#' irrelevant but under the alternative the elliptic
#' windows can to identify with more precision the cluster.
#' For big data sets (N >>) the windows = "elliptic" can be so slowly
#' @return A object of the \emph{htest} and \emph{scantest} class
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{method} \tab The type of test applied ().\cr
#' \code{fx} \tab Factor included as input to get the scan test.\cr
#' \code{MLC} \tab Observations included into the Most Likelihood Cluster (MLC).\cr
#' \code{statistic} \tab Value of the scan test (maximum Log-likelihood ratio). \cr
#' \code{N} \tab Total number of observations.\cr
#' \code{nn} \tab Windows used to get the cluster.\cr
#' \code{nv} \tab Maximum number of observations into the cluster.\cr
#' \code{} \tab A character string giving the name of the factor.\cr
#' \code{coor} \tab coordinates.\cr
#' \code{alternative} \tab Only for bernoulli spatial process. A character string describing
#' the alternative hypothesis select by the user.\cr
#' \code{p.value} \tab p-value of the scan test.\cr
#' \code{cases.expect} \tab Expected cases into the MLC.\cr
#' \code{cases.observ} \tab Observed cases into the MLC.\cr
#' \code{nsim} \tab Number of permutations.\cr
#' \code{} \tab a (nsim x 1) vector with the loglik values under bootstrap permutation.\cr
#' \code{secondary.clusters} \tab a list with the observations included into the secondary clusters.\cr
#' \code{loglik.second} \tab a vector with the value of the secondary scan tests (maximum Log-likelihood ratio).\cr
#' \code{p.value.secondary} \tab a vector with the p-value of the secondary scan tests.\cr
#' \code{Alternative.MLC} \tab A vector with the observations included in another cluster with the same loglik than MLC.\cr
#' }
#' @section Control arguments:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{seedinit} \tab Numerical value for the seed (only for boot version). Default value seedinit=123 \cr
#' }
#' @author
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' Fernando López \tab \email{} \cr
#' Román Mínguez \tab \email{} \cr
#' Antonio Páez \tab \email{} \cr
#' Manuel Ruiz \tab \email{} \cr
#' }
#' @references
#' \itemize{
#' \item Kulldorff M, Nagarwalla N. (1995).
#' Spatial disease clusters: Detection and Inference.
#' \emph{Statistics in Medicine}. 14:799-810
#' \item Jung I, Kulldorff M, Richard OJ (2010).
#' A spatial scan statistic for multinomial data.
#' \emph{Statistics in Medicine}. 29(18), 1910-1918
#' \item Páez, A., López-Hernández, F.A., Ortega-García, J.A., Ruiz, M. (2016).
#' Clustering and co-occurrence of cancer types: A comparison of techniques with
#' an application to pediatric cancer in Murcia, Spain.
#' \emph{Spatial Analysis in Health Geography}, 69-90.
#' \item Tango T., Takahashi K. (2005). A flexibly shaped spatial scan statistic
#' for detecting clusters, \emph{International Journal of Health Geographics} 4:11.
#' }
#' @details
#' \strong{Bernoulli version}\cr
#' \cr
#' When we have dichotomous outcome variables, such as cases and noncases of certain
#' diseases, the Bernoulli model is used. The null hypothesis is written as
#' \deqn{H_0 : p = q \ \ for \ \ all \ \ Z}
#' and the alternative hypothesis is \cr
#' \deqn{H_A : p \neq q \ \ for \ \ some \ \ Z}
#' where p and q are the outcome probabilities (e.g., the probability of being a case)
#' inside and outside scanning window Z, respectively. Given window Z, the test statistic is:\cr
#' where cz and nz are the numbers of cases and observations (cases and noncases) within z,
#' respectively, and C and N are the total numbers of cases and observations in the whole
#' study region, respectively.\cr
#' \deqn{\Delta = }
#' \strong{Multinomial version of the scan test}\cr
#' \cr
#' The multinomial version of the spatial scan statistic is useful to investigate clustering
#' when a discrete spatial variable can take one and only one of k possible outcomes
#' that lack intrinsic order information. If the region defined by the moving window
#' is denoted by Z, the null hypothesis for the statistic can be stated as follows:\cr
#' \deqn{H_0: p_1 = q_1;p_2 = q_2;...;p_k = q_k}
#' where \eqn{p_j} is the probability of being of event type j inside the window Z,
#' and \eqn{q_j} is the probability of being of event type j outside the window.
#' The alternative hypothesis is that for at least one type event the probability
#' of being of that type is different inside and outside of the window.\cr
#' The statistic is built as a likelihood ratio, and takes the following
#' form after transformation using the natural logarithm:
#'\deqn{\Delta = \max_Z \{\sum_j \{ S_j^Z log({ S_j^Z \over S^Z }) +
#'(S_j-S_j^Z) log({ {S_j-S_j^Z} \over {S-S^Z} })\}\}-\sum_j S_j log({ S_j \over S }) }
#' where S is the total number of events in the study area and \eqn{S_j} is the total number
#' of events of type j. The superscript Z denotes the same but for the sub-region
#' defined by the moving window. \cr
#' The theoretical distribution of the statistic under the null hypothesis is not known,
#' and therefore significance is evaluated numerically by simulating neutral landscapes
#' (obtained using a random spatial process) and contrasting the empirically calculated
#' statistic against the frequency of values obtained from the neutral landscapes.
#' The results of the likelihood ratio serve to identify the most likely cluster,
#' which is followed by secondary clusters by the expedient of sorting them according to
#' the magnitude of the test. As usual, significance is assigned by the analyst, and the
#' cutoff value for significance reflects the confidence of the analyst, or tolerance for error.\cr
#' When implementing the statistic, the analyst must decide the shape of the
#' window and the maximum number of cases that any given window can cover.
#' Currently, analysis can be done using circular or elliptical windows.\cr
#' Elliptical windows are more time consuming to evaluate but provide greater
#' flexibility to contrast the distribution of events inside and outside the window,
#' and are our selected shape in the analyses to follow. Furthermore, it is recommended
#' that the maximum number of cases entering any given window does not exceed 50\% of
#' all available cases.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{local.sp.runs.test}}, \code{\link{dgp.spq}}, \code{\link{Q.test}},
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Case 1: Scan test bernoulli
#' data(provinces_spain)
#' sf::sf_use_s2(FALSE)
#' provinces_spain$Male2Female <- factor(provinces_spain$Male2Female > 100)
#' levels(provinces_spain$Male2Female) = c("men","woman")
#' formula <- ~ Male2Female
#' scan <- scan.test(formula = formula, data = provinces_spain, case="men",
#' nsim = 99, distr = "bernoulli")
#' print(scan)
#' summary(scan)
#' plot(scan, sf = provinces_spain)
#' \donttest{
#' ## With maximum number of neighborhood
#' scan <- scan.test(formula = formula, data = provinces_spain, case = "woman",
#' nsim = 99, distr = "bernoulli")
#' print(scan)
#' plot(scan, sf = provinces_spain)
#' ## With elliptic windows
#' scan <- scan.test(formula = formula, data = provinces_spain, case = "men", nv = 25,
#' nsim = 99, distr = "bernoulli", windows ="elliptic")
#' print(scan)
#' scan <- scan.test(formula = formula, data = provinces_spain, case = "men", nv = 15,
#' nsim = 99, distr = "bernoulli", windows ="elliptic", alternative = "Low")
#' print(scan)
#' plot(scan, sf = provinces_spain)
#' # Case 2: scan test multinomial
#' data(provinces_spain)
#' provinces_spain$Older <- cut(provinces_spain$Older, breaks = c(-Inf,19,22.5,Inf))
#' levels(provinces_spain$Older) = c("low","middle","high")
#' formula <- ~ Older
#' scan <- scan.test(formula = formula, data = provinces_spain, nsim = 99, distr = "multinomial")
#' print(scan)
#' plot(scan, sf = provinces_spain)
#' # Case 3: scan test multinomial
#' data(FastFood.sf)
#' sf::sf_use_s2(FALSE)
#' formula <- ~ Type
#' scan <- scan.test(formula = formula, data = FastFood.sf, nsim = 99,
#' distr = "multinomial", windows="elliptic", nv = 50)
#' print(scan)
#' summary(scan)
#' plot(scan, sf = FastFood.sf)
#' # Case 4: DGP two categories
#' N <- 150
#' cx <- runif(N)
#' cy <- runif(N)
#' listw <- spdep::knearneigh(cbind(cx,cy), k = 10)
#' p <- c(1/2,1/2)
#' rho <- 0.5
#' fx <- dgp.spq(p = p, listw = listw, rho = rho)
#' scan <- scan.test(fx = fx, nsim = 99, case = "A", nv = 50, coor = cbind(cx,cy),
#' distr = "bernoulli",windows="circular")
#' print(scan)
#' plot(scan)
#' # Case 5: DGP three categories
#' N <- 200
#' cx <- runif(N)
#' cy <- runif(N)
#' listw <- spdep::knearneigh(cbind(cx,cy), k = 10)
#' p <- c(1/3,1/3,1/3)
#' rho <- 0.5
#' fx <- dgp.spq(p = p, listw = listw, rho = rho)
#' scan <- scan.test(fx = fx, nsim = 19, coor = cbind(cx,cy), nv = 30,
#' distr = "multinomial", windows = "elliptic")
#' print(scan)
#' plot(scan)
#' # Case 6: Flexible windows
#' data(provinces_spain)
#' sf::sf_use_s2(FALSE)
#' provinces_spain$Male2Female <- factor(provinces_spain$Male2Female > 100)
#' levels(provinces_spain$Male2Female) = c("men","woman")
#' formula <- ~ Male2Female
#' listw <- spdep::poly2nb(provinces_spain, queen = FALSE)
#' scan <- scan.test(formula = formula, data = provinces_spain, case="men", listw = listw, nv = 6,
#' nsim = 99, distr = "bernoulli", windows = "flexible")
#' print(scan)
#' summary(scan)
#' plot(scan, sf = provinces_spain)
#' }
scan.test <- function(formula = NULL, data = NULL, fx = NULL, coor = NULL, case = NULL,
nv = NULL, nsim = NULL, distr = NULL, windows = "circular", listw = NULL,
alternative = "High", minsize = 1, control = list()) {
if (is.null(distr))
stop("Select a distribution, bernoulli or multinomial")
coor.input <- coor
distr <- match.arg(distr, c("bernoulli", "multinomial"))
windows <- match.arg(windows, c("circular", "elliptic","flexible"))
# if flexible windows
if (windows=="flexible" && is.null(listw)) stop("A list of neigbourhood must be included")
## Define the W matrix
if (windows=="flexible"){
if (inherits(listw, "knn")){
listw <- nb2listw(knn2nb(listw),zero.policy = TRUE)
} else if (inherits(listw, "matrix")){
listw <- (listw > 0)*1
listw <- mat2listw(listw)
} else if (inherits(listw, "nb")){
listw <- nb2listw(listw,zero.policy = TRUE)
# Select the arguments: (formula + data) or bien incluye la variable (fx)
if (!is.null(formula) && !is.null(data)) {
if (inherits(data, "Spatial")) data <- as(data, "sf")
mfx <- get_all_vars(formula, data)[,1] <- names(get_all_vars(formula, data))
} else if (!is.null(fx)) {
mfx <- fx
if (is.null(names(fx))) <- "fx"
} else stop("data wrong")
if (!is.factor(mfx))
stop(paste(deparse(substitute(fx)), "is not a factor"))
# Si se introduce un objeto sf. Para controlar errores en el metodo plot
sf = FALSE
if (inherits(data, "sf")) sf = TRUE
if (distr == "bernoulli"){
alternative <- match.arg(alternative, c("Low", "High", "Both"))
if (is.null(case)) {stop ("case argument must be an element of the factor")}
if (length(unique(mfx))!=2) {stop ("The factor mut be have 2 levels for bernoulli")}
case <- match.arg(case, unique(mfx))
if (distr == "multinomial"){
if (length(unique(mfx)) < 3) {stop ("The factor must be have almost 3 levels for multinomial")}
case <- match.arg(case, unique(mfx))
# Controls
con <- list(seedinit = 123)
nmsC <- names(con)
con[(namc <- names(control))] <- control
if (length(noNms <- namc[!namc %in% nmsC]))
warning("unknown names in control: ", paste(noNms, collapse = ", "))
seedinit <- con$seedinit
## Scan
N <- length(mfx)
if (is.null(nv)) nv <- trunc(N/2)
if (!is.null(nv) && nv > trunc(N/2)) stop("nv must be lower than N/2")
if (minsize > nv/2)
stop("minsize must be lower than nv/2")
## Previus
if (is.null(coor) &&
sum(inherits(data, "sf")) > 0){
coor <- suppressWarnings(st_coordinates(st_centroid(data)))
cx <- coor[,1]
cy <- coor[,2]
if (windows=="circular"){
nn <- suppressWarnings(cbind(1:N, knearneigh(cbind(cx, cy),
k = (nv-1))$nn))
if (windows=="elliptic"){
nn <- suppressWarnings(nn_ellipse(coor = cbind(cx,cy), nv = nv, p = 30)$ellipses)
if (windows=="flexible"){
nn <- nn_flexible(W = listw$neighbours, nv = nv)
# XF <- matrix(mfx[nn], ncol = nv, nrow = N)
XF <- matrix(mfx[nn], ncol = nv, nrow = dim(nn)[1])
## Obtaining the scan statisitic
## Bernoulli
if (distr == "bernoulli"){
oz <- t(apply(XF == case, 1 , cumsum))
nz <- t(matrix(rep(1:nv,dim(nn)[1]),nrow = nv))
O <- sum(mfx== case)
oznz <- oz/nz
OozNnz <- (O-oz)/(N-nz)
OozNnz.1 <- 1 - OozNnz
OozNnz.1[OozNnz.1 < 0] <- 0
a <- log(oznz)
b <- log(1-oznz)
c <- log(OozNnz)
d <- log(OozNnz.1)
d[d==-Inf] <- 0
if (alternative == "Both"){
lnlz <- exp(oz*a + (nz-oz)*b + (O-oz)*c + (N-O-nz+oz)*d)
if (alternative == "High"){
lnlz <- exp(oz*a + (nz-oz)*b + (O-oz)*c + (N-O-nz+oz)*d)*(oznz>OozNnz)
if (alternative == "Low"){
lnlz <- exp(oz*a + (nz-oz)*b + (O-oz)*c + (N-O-nz+oz)*d)*(oznz<OozNnz)
# lnlz <- oz*log(oz/nz) + (nz-oz)*log(1-oz/nz) + (O-oz)*log((O-oz)/(N-nz)) + (N-O-nz+oz)*log(1-(O-oz)/(N-nz))
lnlz0 <- exp(O*log(O) + (N-O)*log(N-O) - N*log(N))
lnlz <- log(lnlz/lnlz0)
lnlz[lnlz==-Inf] <- 0
lnlz[] <- 0
# if (is.null(minsize)){
# a <- which(lnlz == max(lnlz), arr.ind = TRUE)
# MLC <- nn[a[1,1],1:a[1,2]]
# loglik <- max(lnlz)} ## With out restrictions in the number of cases in the MLC
# else{
a <- which(lnlz[,minsize:nv] == max(lnlz[,minsize:nv]), arr.ind = TRUE)
# MLC <- nn[a[1,1],1:(minsize+a[1,2])]
MLC <- nn[a[1,1],1:min(dim(nn)[2],minsize+a[1,2])]
loglik <- max(lnlz[,minsize:nv])
# }
a2 <- a
cases.observ <- sum(mfx[MLC]== case)
cases.expect <- a[2]*(O/N)
cases.names <- names(table(mfx[MLC]))
AlternativeMLC <- list()
if (dim(a2)[1]>1){
for (fl in 2:dim(a2)[1]){
if (all.equal(sort(MLC),sort(nn[a2[fl,1],1:a2[fl,2]]))==FALSE){
AlternativeMLC[[fl-1]] <- nn[a2[fl,1],1:a2[fl,2]]}
if (length(AlternativeMLC) > 0) {
warning(paste0("A total of ",length(AlternativeMLC), " clusters has the same value of the statistic.
Report as MLC only the first.
Use summary() to get all clusters with the same loglik"))
## Multinomial
if (distr == "multinomial"){
lnlz <- 0
case <- unique(mfx)
CZ <- t(matrix(rep(1:nv,dim(nn)[1]),nrow = nv))
for (f in 1:length(case)){
Ck <- sum(mfx == case[f])
CkZ <- t(apply(XF == case[f] , 1 , cumsum))
a <- log(CkZ/CZ)
a[a==-Inf] <- 0
b <- log((Ck-CkZ)/(N-CZ))
b[b==-Inf] <- 0
c <- log(Ck/N)
c[c==-Inf] <- 0
lnlz <- lnlz + (CkZ*a + (Ck-CkZ)*b - Ck*c)
lnlz[] <- 0
# Condición para seleccionar el MLC dependiendo si se exige un num min de observaciones
# if (is.null(minsize)){
# a <- which(lnlz == max(lnlz), arr.ind = TRUE)
# MLC <- nn[a[1,1],1:a[1,2]]
# loglik <- max(lnlz) ## With out restrictions in the number of cases in the MLC
# } else {
a <- which(lnlz[,minsize:nv] == max(lnlz[,minsize:nv]), arr.ind = TRUE)
MLC <- nn[a[1,1],1:(minsize-1+a[1,2])]
loglik <- max(lnlz[,minsize:nv])
a2 <- a
# if (dim(a)[1] > 1) {
# a <- a[1,]
# }
cases.observ <- addmargins(table(mfx[MLC]))
cases.expect <- addmargins(table(mfx)*length(MLC)/N)
cases.names <- names(table(mfx[MLC]))
# Alternative clusters with the same loglik that MLC
# Es posible encontrar más de un cluster con la misma loglik
# Lo normal es que estén formados por las mismas observaciones
# la siguiente lineas chequean si todos son iguales
# Si no los son los llama alternativos y son listados
AlternativeMLC <- list()
if (dim(a2)[1]>1){
for (fl in 2:dim(a2)[1]){
if (all.equal(sort(MLC),sort(nn[a2[fl,1],1:a2[fl,2]]))==FALSE){
AlternativeMLC[[fl-1]] <- nn[a2[fl,1],1:a2[fl,2]]}
if (length(AlternativeMLC) > 0) {
warning(paste0("A total of ",length(AlternativeMLC), " clusters has the same value of the statistic.
Report as MLC only the first.
Use summary() to get all clusters with the same loglik"))
## Scan mc
if (distr == "bernoulli"){
if (!is.null(seedinit)) set.seed(seedinit) <- rep(0,nsim)
for (f in 1:nsim){
fxp <- mfx[sample(N)]
XF <- matrix(fxp[nn], ncol = nv, nrow = dim(nn)[1])
oz <- t(apply(XF==case, 1 , cumsum))
# XF2 <- XF == case
# XF2 <- split(XF2, row(XF2))
# oz2 <- lapply(XF2, cumsum)
# oz2 <-"rbind", oz2)
# oz <- t(apply_cumsum_col(t(XF == case)))
oznz <- oz/nz
OozNnz <- (O-oz)/(N-nz)
OozNnz.1 <- 1 - OozNnz
OozNnz.1[OozNnz.1 < 0] <- 0
a <- log(oznz)
a[a==-Inf] <- 0
b <- log(1-oznz)
b[b==-Inf] <- 0
c <- log(OozNnz)
c[c==-Inf] <- 0
d <- log(OozNnz.1)
d[d==-Inf] <- 0
if (alternative == "Both"){
lnlz <- exp(oz*a + (nz-oz)*b + (O-oz)*c + (N-O-nz+oz)*d)
if (alternative == "High"){
lnlz <- exp(oz*a + (nz-oz)*b + (O-oz)*c + (N-O-nz+oz)*d)*(oznz > OozNnz)
if (alternative == "Low"){
lnlz <- exp(oz*a + (nz-oz)*b + (O-oz)*c + (N-O-nz+oz)*d)*(oznz < OozNnz)
lnlz <- log(lnlz/lnlz0)
lnlz[lnlz==-Inf] <- 0
lnlz[] <- 0[f] <- max(lnlz)
if (distr == "multinomial"){
if (!is.null(seedinit)) set.seed(seedinit) <- rep(0,nsim)
case <- unique(mfx)
CZ <- t(matrix(rep(1:nv,dim(nn)[1]),nrow = nv))
for (k in 1:nsim){
fxp <- mfx[sample(N)]
XF <- matrix(fxp[nn], ncol = nv, nrow = dim(nn)[1])
lnlz <- 0
for (f in 1:length(case)){
Ck <- sum(mfx == case[f])
CkZ <- t(apply(XF == case[f] , 1 , cumsum))
a <- log(CkZ/CZ)
a[a==-Inf] <- 0
b <- log((Ck-CkZ)/(N-CZ))
b[b==-Inf] <- 0
c <- log(Ck/N)
c[c==-Inf] <- 0
lnlz <- lnlz + (CkZ*a + (Ck-CkZ)*b - Ck*c)
lnlz[] <- 0[k] <- max(lnlz[,minsize:nv])
p.value <- sum( > loglik)/(nsim + 1)
names(loglik) <- "scan-loglik"
#### Looking for secondary clusters
loglik.second <- NULL
MLC2 <- list()
mlc <- MLC
for (f in 1:5){ # Como máximo busco 5 clusteres secundarios
# qq <- nn
# # Identifico en nn todas las observaciones que contienen algún elemento del MLC
# pp <- qq[,1] %in% mlc
# for (ii in 2:dim(qq)[2]){
# pp <- cbind(pp,qq[,ii] %in% mlc)
# }
pp <- matrix(nn %in% mlc, ncol = nv)
# Pongo NA si las observación estan en el MLC
pp[pp == TRUE] <- NA
pp <- t(apply(pp, 1, cumsum)) # con cumcum se consigue poner NA
LNLZ <- lnlz
LNLZ[] <- NA
loglik.second[f] <- max(LNLZ[,minsize:nv], na.rm = TRUE)
cc <- which(LNLZ == max(LNLZ[,minsize:nv], na.rm = TRUE), arr.ind = TRUE)
# Este es el cluster secundario
# MLC2[[f]] <- nn[cc[1,1],1:(minsize+cc[1,2])]
# mlc <- c(mlc,nn[cc[1,1],1:(minsize+cc[1,2])])
MLC2[[f]] <- nn[cc[1,1],1:min(dim(nn)[2],(minsize+cc[1,2]))]
mlc <- c(mlc,nn[cc[1,1],1:min(dim(nn)[2],(minsize+cc[1,2]))])
## p-values for secondary clusters
p.value.secondary <- NULL
for (f in 1:5){
p.value.secondary[f] <- sum( > loglik.second[f])/(nsim + 1)
if (distr == "bernoulli"){
vec <- matrix(c(length(MLC), cases.expect, cases.observ))
rownames(vec) <- c("Total observations in the MLC = ","Expected cases in the MLC =","Observed cases in the MLC =")
colnames(vec) <- ""
scan <- list(method = paste("Scan test. Distribution: ",distr),
fx = mfx, MLC = MLC, statistic = loglik, N = N, estimate = vec, nn = nn, nv = nv, coor = coor.input,
p.value = p.value, nsim = nsim, =, distr = distr, =, minsize = minsize,
secondary.clusters = MLC2, loglik.second = loglik.second, p.value.secondary = p.value.secondary,
case = case,
alternative = alternative,
cases.expect = cases.expect,
cases.observ = cases.observ,
cases.names = cases.names,
sf = sf)
if (distr == "multinomial"){
vec <- round(rbind(cases.expect,cases.observ),2)
# names(vec) <- c("Number observ inside MLC","Expected cases in MLC","Observed cases in MLC")
scan <- list(method = paste("Scan test. Distribution: ",distr),
fx = mfx, MLC = MLC, statistic = loglik, N = N, estimate = vec, nn = nn, nv = nv, coor = coor.input,
p.value = p.value, nsim = nsim, =, distr = distr, =, minsize = minsize,
secondary.clusters = MLC2, loglik.second = loglik.second, p.value.secondary = p.value.secondary,
cases.expect = cases.expect,
cases.observ = cases.observ,
cases.names = cases.names,
sf = sf)
class(scan) <- c("htest","scantest")
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