Man pages for spreval
Evaluation of Sprinkler Irrigation Uniformity and Efficiency

adperCompute percentiles of area receiving less than and greater...
AELQApplication efficiency of the low quarter, (AELQ) for a...
catchcancatch can data
CUCompute CU for Sprinkler Irrigation Systems
DUDU of sprinkler irrigation system
DU.lhCompute distribution uniformity of lower half
eda.shapeGenerate distribution plots of an array.
eda.statsSummary statistics of a numeric array.
effApplication efficiency and adequacy of a sprinkler irrigation...
overlapSuperimpose catch can data
PELQPotential application efficiency of low quarter for a...
PELQTPotential application efficiency of low quarter for a...
plotssPlot a plan view of sprinklers and catch cans with collected...
quartCompute several levels of quantiles and interquartile range
rotecdfSwap axis of ecdf plot and reverse y axis
sfplotCreate step function plot (of catch can depths).
travunifCompute CU and DU of traveling gun irrigation systems
spreval documentation built on March 24, 2022, 1:06 a.m.