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  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>", 
  warning = FALSE, 
  message = FALSE

Installing and loading spsurvey

If this is your first time using the spsurvey package, run


to install the package. You only need to run this code once per version of R.

After the spsurvey package is installed, load it into R each new R session by running


Citation information

If you used spsurvey in your work, please cite it. You can view the most recent citation by running


spsurvey terminology

spsurvey implements a design-based approach to statistical inference, with a focus on spatial data. There are a few terms helpful to define before we move forward with spsurvey, as these terms will be used throughout the vignettes and documentation:

Vignettes in spsurvey

There are three additional vignettes in spsurvey:

  1. Exploratory Data Analysis: Summarizing and Visualizing Sampling Frames, Design Sites, and Analysis Data
    • Use the summary() and plot() functions to summarize and visualize sampling frames, design sites, and analysis data
    • To view this vignette, run vignette("EDA", "spsurvey")
  2. Spatially Balanced Sampling
    • Use the grts() function to implement the Generalized Random Tessellation Stratified (GRTS) algorithm (Stevens and Olsen, 2004) to select spatially balanced samples
    • To view this vignette, run vignette("sampling", "spsurvey").
  3. Analyzing Data
    • Use several analysis functions to analyze data
    • To view this vignette, run vignette("analysis", "spsurvey").

These vignettes cover some of the core functions (and arguments within those functions) in spsurvey. To learn more about features of spsurvey that are not covered in these vignettes, we encourage you to read spsurvey's documentation available for download here or viewable interactively on our website here. Help files for a particular function are viewable by running ?function_name after loading spsurvey. For example, to learn more about the grts() function, run ?grts.

Installing a previous version of spsurvey

The version 5.0.0 update to spsurvey implemented many significant changes to existing functions. As a result, some of your old code may not run properly while using version 5.0.0. Though we recommend adapting your code to work with the version 5.0.0, you may also install a previous version of spsurvey. For information regarding the installation of previous version of R packages, please see the RStudio support page here. Additionally, old versions of spsurvey are also available for download in the release tags section of our GitHub repository here.

sf objects

The sampling functions in spsurvey (grts() and irs()) require that your sampling frame is an sf object. An sf object (shorthand for a "simple features" object) is an R object with a unique structure used to conveniently store spatial data. sf objects are constructed using the sf package (Pebesma, 2018). The sf package is loaded and installed alongside the spsurvey package, so you do not need to run install.packages("sf") or library(sf) to access the sf package if spsurvey is already installed and loaded. For more on the sf package, see here.

Next we discuss a few ways to construct sf objects in R. The first is to read a shapefile directly into R using sf::read_sf(). The second is to use the sf::st_sf() function or the sf::st_as_sf() function to combine an appropriate R object (most commonly a data frame) and an appropriate geometry object into an sf object. To illustrate one approach for turning a data frame into an sf object, we start with NE_Lakes_df, a data frame in spsurvey that contains variables and geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude coordinates) for lakes in the Northeastern United States. To turn NE_Lakes_df into NE_Lakes_geo, an sf object with geographic coordinates, run

NE_Lakes_geo <- st_as_sf(NE_Lakes_df, coords = c("XCOORD", "YCOORD"), crs = 4326)

The coords argument to sf::st_as_sf specifies the columns in NE_Lakes_df that are the x-coordinates and y-coordinates. The crs argument specifies the coordinate reference system, which we discuss in more detail next.

Coordinate reference systems

Spatial data and sf objects rely on coordinate reference systems. A coordinate reference system (CRS) provides a structure by which to identify unique locations on the Earth's surface. CRSs are either geographic or projected. A geographic CRS uses longitude (east-west direction) and latitude (north-south direction) coordinates to represent location with respect to a specific ellipsoid or spheroid surface. Geographic CRSs are measured in degrees, not units like meters or feet -- this has important consequences. For example, a one degree difference in latitude is different at different longitudes. Projected CRSs are measured in standard Cartesian coordinates with respect to a flat surface. They have x and y locations, an origin, and a unit of measurement (like meters or feet).

You can move between coordinate systems using sf::st_transform(). For example, we can transform NE_Lakes_geo (which uses a geographic CRS) to NE_Lakes (which uses a projected CRS) by running

NE_Lakes <- st_transform(NE_Lakes_geo, crs = 5070)

CRSs in R have traditionally been stored using EPSG codes or proj4string values. This meant that in order to transform your coordinates from one CRS to another, you needed two EPSG codes or proj4string values, one for each CRS. Recent updates to R's handling of spatial data follow GDAL and PROJ (more information available here), and CRSs in sf objects are stored in R as lists with two components: input, which contains information regarding the EPSG code and proj4string; and wkt, an open geospatial standard format. For more information on CRSs and EPSG codes, see Pebesma (2018) and Lovelace et al. (2019). To search for various CRSs and EPSG codes, see here and here.

spsurvey will use the CRS from your sf object, so it is your responsibility to make sure the sf object has an appropriate CRS. If the CRS is not specified correctly, you may get misleading results.


Lovelace, R., Nowosad, J., & Muenchow, J. (2019). Geocomputation with R. CRC Press.

Pebesma, E., (2018). Simple Features for R: Standardized Support for Spatial Vector Data. The R Journal, 10 (1):439-446.

Stevens Jr, D. L. and Olsen, A. R. (2004). Spatially balanced sampling of natural resources. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 99(465):262-278.

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spsurvey documentation built on June 22, 2024, 7:36 p.m.