Man pages for ssmodels
Sample Selection Models

HCinitialTwo-Step Method for Parameter Estimation of the Heckman Model
HeckmanBSHeckman BS Model fit Function
HeckmanCLClassic Heckman Model fit Function
HeckmanGeFunction for fit of the Generalized Heckman Model
HeckmanSKNormal Skew Model fit Function
HeckmantSHeckman-t Model fit Function
IMRInverse Mills Ratio
MEPS2001Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
Mroz87U.S. Women's Labor Force Participation
nhanesUS National Health and Nutrition Examination Study
PSID2Panel Study of Income Dynamics
RandHIERAND Health Insurance Experiment
ssmodelsssmodels: A package for fit the sample selection models.
step2Heckman's two-step method
summary.HeckmanBSSummary of Birnbaum-Saunders Heckman Model
summary.HeckmanCLSummary of Classic Heckman Model
summary.HeckmanGeSummary of Generalized Heckman Model
summary.HeckmanSKSummary of Skew-Normal Heckman Model
summary.HeckmantSSummary of Heckman-ts Model
twostepHeckman's two-step method
ssmodels documentation built on Oct. 4, 2022, 5:06 p.m.