Man pages for sspse
Estimating Hidden Population Size using Respondent Driven Sampling Data

dsizepriorPrior distributions for the size of a hidden population
fauxmadrona2A Pair of Simulated RDS Data Sets with no seed dependency
impute.visibilityEstimates each person's personal visibility based on their...
plot.pospreddegPlots the posterior predictive p-values for the reported...
plot.sspsePlot Summary and Diagnostics for Population Size Estimation...
posize_warningWarning message for posteriorsize fit failure
pospreddegCompute the posterior predictive p-values for the reported...
posteriorsizeEstimating hidden population size using RDS data
print.summary.sspseSummarizing Population Size Estimation Model Fits
sspse-packagesspse: Estimating Hidden Population Size using Respondent...
summary.sspseSummarizing Population Size Estimation Model Fits
sspse documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:02 p.m.