Man pages for stR
Seasonal Trend Decomposition Using Regression

AutoSTRAutomatic STR decomposition for time series data
callsNumber of phone calls dataset
componentsExtract STR components
confidenceCommon argument
controlCommon argument
dataCommon argument
electricityElectricity consumption dataset
gapCVCommon argument
groceryGrocery and supermarkets turnover
heuristicSTRAutomatic STR decomposition with heuristic search of the...
lambdasCommon argument
nFoldCommon argument
nMCIterCommon argument
patternCommon argument
plotBetaPlots the varying beta coefficients of decomposition
plot.STRPlots the results of decomposition
predictorsCommon argument
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
reltolCommon argument
reportDimensionsOnlyCommon argument
robustCommon argument
RSTRmodelRobust STR decomposition
seasadj.STRSeasonal adjustment based on STR
solverCommon argument
STRAutomatic STR decomposition
strDesignCommon argument
STRmodelSTR decomposition
traceCommon argument
stR documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:39 p.m.