Man pages for stUPscales
Spatio-Temporal Uncertainty Propagation Across Multiple Scales

AggTemporal aggregation of environmental variables
boundary.LuxA shapefile for the boundary of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg
event.subset.xtsSample precipitation time series in the Grand-Duchy of...
Germany_precipitation_201112Sample precipitation time series in Germany
Germany_stationsA SpatialPointsDataFrame with the location of 37 rain gauges...
GoFWrapper function for the 'gof' function from 'hydroGOF'...
HS_RW20111216_stfdf1-hour DWD precipitation radar imagery calibrated in STFDF...
HS_RY20111216_stfdf5-minute DWD precipitation radar imagery non-calibrated in...
inputObs-classClass '"inputObs"'
IsReg_tsWrapper function for function 'is.regular' from 'zoo' package...
Lux_precipitation_2010_2011Sample precipitation time series in the Grand-Duchy of...
MC.analysisAnalysis of the Monte Carlo simulation
MC.analysis_genericAnalysis of the Monte Carlo simulation (general function)
MC.calibra-methodsMethods for Function 'MC.calibra'
MC.setup-methodsMethods for Function 'MC.setup'
MC.sim-methods~~ Methods for Function 'MC.sim' ~~
MC.summarySummary statistics computation of Monte Carlo simulation
MC.summary.aggSummary statistics computation of aggregated Monte Carlo...
PlotEvalFunction to execute evaluation plot
PlotMC.eventA plot function for time series events
PlotMC.seasonA plot function for time series seasons
setup-classClass '"setup"'
stationsA SpatialPointsDataFrame with the location of 25 rain gauges...
stUPscales-packageSpatio-Temporal Uncertainty Propagation Across Multiple...
Validation_Quantity_Agg-methodsMethods for Function 'Validation_Quantity_Agg'
Validation_Quantity-methodsMethods for Function 'Validation_Quantity'
stUPscales documentation built on Sept. 18, 2023, 9:07 a.m.