calcule-report_mig-method: Transforms migration per period to daily migrations, and...

calcule,report_mig-methodR Documentation

Transforms migration per period to daily migrations, and performs the conversion from weights to number is data are stored as weights (glass eel).


The calculation must be launched once data are filled by the connect method. Currently the negative argument has no effect.


## S4 method for signature 'report_mig'
calcule(object, negative = FALSE, silent = FALSE)



An object of class report_mig-class


a boolean indicating if a separate sum must be done for positive and negative values, if true, positive and negative counts return different rows


Boolean, if TRUE, information messages are not displayed, only warnings and errors


report_mig with calcdata slot filled. It is a list with one element per counting device containing


In the case of instantaneous periods (video counting) the sum of daily values is done by the fun_report_mig_mult method and the value indicated in method is "sum". If any migration monitoring period is longer than a day, then the migration is split using the fun_report_mig_mult_overlaps function and the value indicated in the method is "overlaps" as the latter method uses the overlap package to split migration period.


the calculated data.


A boolean which indicates, in the case of glass eel, that the function fun_weight_conversion has been run to convert the weights to numbers using the weight to number coefficients in the database (see report_ge_weight).


A parameter indicating if negative migration (downstream in the case of upstream migration devices) have been converted to positive numbers, not developed yet


The class report_mig does not handle escapement rates nor 'devenir' i.e. the destination of the fishes.

stacomiR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:41 a.m.