Man pages for stagedtrees
Staged Event Trees

as_adj_matrixConvert to an adjacency matrix
as_bnConvert to a 'bnlearn' object
as_parentslistObtain the equivalent DAG as list of parents
as_sevtCoerce to sevt
AsymAsym dataset
barplot.sevtBar plots of stage probabilities
cegChain event graph (CEG)
ceg2adjmatCeg to adjmat of graph
check_sevtcheck sevt object
cidContext specific interventional discrepancy
compare_stagesCompare two staged event tree
confint.sevtConfidence intervals for staged event tree parameters
distance_mat_stagesCompute the distance matrix
edgePlot an edge
expand_probExpand probabilities of a staged event tree
find_stageFind the stage of the path
full_indepFull and independent staged event tree
generate_linear_datasetGenerate a random binary dataset for classification
generate_random_datasetGenerate a random binary dataset
generate_xor_datasetGenerate a xor dataset
get_stageGet stage or path
has_ctablesCheck if the stages event tree has ctables field
has_probCheck if the stages event tree has probabilities
inclusions_stagesInclusions of stages
is_fitted_sevtCheck if the stages event tree is fitted
join_stagesJoin stages
join_unobservedJoin situations with no observations
logLik.sevtLog-Likelihood of a staged event tree
lr_testLikelihood Ratio Test for staged trees models
make_ctablesDistribute counts along tree
new_labelNew label
nodePlot a node
noisy_xornoisy xor function
path_probabilityCompute probability of a path from root
PhDArticlesPhD Students Publications
plot.cegigraph's plotting for CEG
plot.sevtPlot method for staged event trees
PokemonPokemon Go Users
predict.sevtPredict method for staged event tree
print.parentslistPrint a parentslist object
print.sevtPrint a staged event tree
probProbabilities for a staged event tree
probdistDistances between probabilities
rename_stageRename stage(s) in staged event tree
sample_fromSample from a staged event tree
search_bestOptimal Order Search
search_greedyGreedy Order Search
set_stageSet stage to path
sevtStaged event tree (sevt) class
sevt_addAdd a variable to a staged event tree
sevt_dfNumber of parameters of a staged event tree
sevt_fitFit a staged event tree
sevt_nvarNumber of variables
sevt_varnamesVariable names
simple_clusteringPerform a simple clustering in 2 groups
split_stage_randomSplit randomly a stage
stagedtreesStaged event trees.
stagesStages of a variable
stages_bhcBackward hill-climbing
stages_bhcrBackward random hill-climbing
stages_bjBackward joining of stages
stages_fbhcFast backward hill-climbing
stages_hclustLearn a staged tree with hierarchical clustering
stages_kmeansLearn a staged tree with k-means clustering
stndnamingStandard renaming of stages
subtreeExtract subtree
summary.sevtSummarizing staged event trees
text.sevtAdd text to a staged event tree plot
tree_idxreturn path index
uni_idxUnique id from named list
which_classFind maximum value
stagedtrees documentation built on April 29, 2022, 1:06 a.m.