Man pages for starsExtra
Miscellaneous Functions for Working with 'stars' Rasters

aspectCalculate topographic aspect from a DEM
carmelDigital Elevation Model of Mount Carmel
CICalculate the Convergence Index (CI) from a slope raster
demSmall Digital Elevation Model
detrendDetrend a Digital Elevation Model
dist_to_nearestCalculate raster of distances to nearest feature
extract2Extract raster values by lines or polygons
flowlengthCalculate flow length
focal2Apply a focal filter on a raster
focal2rApply a focal filter on a raster (R)
golanDigital Elevation Model of Golan Heights
landsatRGB image of Mount Carmel
layer_to_matrixGet 'stars' layer values as matrix
layer_to_vectorGet 'stars' layer values as vector
make_gridMake 'stars' grid from 'sf' layer
matrix_extendExtend matrix
matrix_get_neighborsGet neighboring cell values for given matrix cell
matrix_to_starsConvert 'matrix' to 'stars'
matrix_trimTrim matrix
normalize_2dNormalize a 2D 'stars' object
normalize_3dNormalize a 3D 'stars' object
rgb_to_greyscaleConvert RGB to greyscale
slopeCalculate topographic slope from a DEM
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trim2Remove empty outer rows and columns
w_azimuthCreate matrix with azimuths to center
w_circleCreate matrix with circular weight pattern
starsExtra documentation built on Nov. 18, 2021, 5:08 p.m.