Man pages for starschemar
Obtaining Stars from Flat Tables

character_dimensionTransform a dimension numeric attributes to character
character_dimensionsTransform dimension numeric attributes to character
conform_all_dimensionsConform all dimensions of a constellation
conform_dimensionsConform dimensions of given name
constellation'constellation' S3 class
constellation_as_multistarExport a constellation as a 'multistar'
constellation_as_tibble_listExport a constellation as a 'tibble' list
ct_mrsConstellation for Mortality Reporting System
ct_mrs_testConstellation for Mortality Reporting System Test
define_dimensionDefine dimensions in a 'dimensional_model' object
define_factDefine facts in a 'dimensional_model' object
define_selected_dimensionsDefine selected dimensions
define_selected_factsDefine selected facts
delete_recordsDelete records
delete_unused_foreign_keysDelete unused foreign keys
dereference_dimensionDereference a dimension
dimensional_model'dimensional_model' S3 class
dimensional_query'dimensional_query' S3 class
dm_mrs_ageStar Definition for Mortality Reporting System by Age
dm_mrs_causeStar Definition for Mortality Reporting System by Cause
enrich_dimension_exportExport selected attributes of a dimension
enrich_dimension_importImport 'tibble' to enrich a dimension
enrich_dimension_import_testImport 'tibble' to test to enrich a dimension
filter_dimensionFilter dimension
filter_fact_rowsFilter fact rows
filter_selected_instancesFilter selected instances
find_valuesFind values in a dimension
ft_datagov_ukModelling the long-term health impacts of air pollution in...
ft_london_boroughsLondon Boroughs
ft_usa_city_countyUSA City and County
ft_usa_statesUSA States
get_all_dimensionsGet all dimensions
get_attribute_namesGet attribute names
get_conformed_dimensionGet conformed dimension
get_conformed_dimension_namesGet conformed dimension names
get_conformed_dimension_names_stGet conformed dimension names
get_dimensionGet dimension
get_dimension_attribute_namesGet dimension attribute names
get_dimension_nameGet the dimension name
get_dimension_namesGet dimension names
get_dimension_typeGet the dimension type
get_fact_nameGet fact name
get_measure_namesGet measure names
get_name_of_role_playing_dimensionsGet the name of the role playing dimensions
get_name_of_uniquely_implemented_dimensionsGet name of uniquely implemented dimensions
get_role_dimension_namesGet role dimension names associated to a role-playing...
get_role_playing_dimension_nameGet the associated role-playing dimension name
get_star_schemaGet star schema
get_star_schema_namesGet star schema names
group_factsGroup facts
group_recordsGroup records
group_tableGroup the records in the table
homogenizeHomogenize a dimension
incremental_refresh_constellationIncrementally refresh a constellation with a star schema
incremental_refresh_dimensionIncrementally refresh a dimension with another
incremental_refresh_factIncrementally refresh a fact table with another
incremental_refresh_star_schemaIncrementally refresh a star schema with another
is_conformed_dimensionIs it conformed dimension?
is_dimension_in_updatesIs dimension in set of updates?
is_role_dimensionIs it role dimension?
is_role_playing_dimensionIs it role-playing dimension?
match_recordsMake a dimension record equal to another
modify_conformed_dimension_recordsApply dimension record update operations to conformed...
modify_dimension_recordsApply dimension record update operations
mrsMortality Reporting System
mrs_ageMortality Reporting System by Age
mrs_age_testMortality Reporting System by Age Test
mrs_age_w10Mortality Reporting System by Age for Week 10
mrs_age_w11Mortality Reporting System by Age for Week 11
mrs_age_w_testMortality Reporting System by Age for Week Test
mrs_causeMortality Reporting System by Cause
mrs_cause_testMortality Reporting System by Cause Test
mrs_cause_w10Mortality Reporting System by Cause for Week 10
mrs_cause_w11Mortality Reporting System by Cause for Week 11
mrs_cause_w_testMortality Reporting System by Cause for Week Test
ms_mrsMultistar for Mortality Reporting System
ms_mrs_testMultistar for Mortality Reporting System Test
multistar_as_flat_tableExport a 'multistar' as a flat table
new_constellation'constellation' S3 class
new_dimensional_modeldimensional_model S3 class
new_dimensional_query'dimensional_query' S3 class
new_dimension_table'dimension_table' S3 class
new_fact_table'fact_table' S3 class
new_multistar'multistar' S3 class
new_record_updaterecord_update S3 class
new_record_update_setrecord_update_set S3 class
new_star_schemastar_schema S3 class
prepare_joinTransform a 'tibble' to join
purge_dimensions_constellationPurge dimensions in a constellation
purge_dimensions_star_schemaPurge dimensions
record_update_set'record_update_set' S3 class
reference_dimensionReference a dimension
remove_duplicate_dimension_rowsRemove duplicate dimension rows
rename_dimensionRename dimension
rename_dimension_attributesRename dimension attributes
rename_factRename fact
rename_measuresRename measures
replace_dimensionReplace a star schema dimension
replace_dimension_in_factsReplace in facts a star schema dimension
replace_general_dimension_in_factsReplace in facts a star schema general dimension
replace_recordsReplace records
replace_role_dimension_in_factsReplace in facts a star schema role dimension
role_dimensionTransform a dimension into a role dimension
role_playing_dimensionDefine a role playing dimension in a 'star_schema' object
run_queryRun query
select_dimensionSelect dimension
select_factSelect fact
selection_bit_mapGenerate a record selection bitmap
set_dimension_nameSet the dimension name
set_dimension_typeSet the dimension type
set_dimension_type_conformedSet the type of a conformed dimension
set_dimension_type_role_playingSet the type of a role-playing dimension
set_fact_nameSet fact name
set_role_playing_dimension_nameSet the associated role-playing dimension name
snake_caseTransform names according to the snake case style
snake_case_dimensionTransform names according to the snake case style in a...
snake_case_factTransform names according to the snake case style in a fact...
star_schema'star_schema' S3 class
star_schema_as_flat_tableExport a star schema as a flat table
star_schema_as_mstStar schema as 'multistar' export (common)
star_schema_as_multistarExport a star schema as a 'multistar'
star_schema_as_tibble_listExport a star schema as a 'tibble' list
star_schema_as_tlExport a star schema as a 'tibble' list (common)
starschemarObtaining Star Schemas from Flat Tables
st_mrs_ageStar Schema for Mortality Reporting System by Age
st_mrs_age_testStar Schema for Mortality Reporting System by Age Test
st_mrs_age_w10Star Schema for Mortality Reporting System by Age for Week 10
st_mrs_age_w11Star Schema for Mortality Reporting System by Age for Week 11
st_mrs_age_w_testStar Schema for Mortality Reporting System by Age for Week...
st_mrs_causeStar Schema for Mortality Reporting System by Cause
st_mrs_cause_testStar Schema for Mortality Reporting System by Cause Test
st_mrs_cause_w10Star Schema for Mortality Reporting System by Cause for Week...
st_mrs_cause_w11Star Schema for Mortality Reporting System by Cause for Week...
st_mrs_cause_w_testStar Schema for Mortality Reporting System by Cause for Week...
typed_valueTransform a value according to its type
unify_facts_by_grainUnify facts by grain
union_of_dimensionsPerform union of dimensions
update_dimensionApply dimension record update operations to a dimension
update_dimensionsApply update operations to dimensions
update_facts_with_dimensionsUpdate facts with a list of modified dimensions
update_facts_with_general_dimensionUpdate facts with a general dimension
update_facts_with_role_dimensionUpdate facts with a role dimension
update_recordUpdate a dimension record with a set of values
update_selectionUpdate dimension records with a set of values
update_selection_generalUpdate dimension records with a set of values in given...
updates_st_mrs_ageUpdates for the Star Schema for Mortality Reporting System by...
updates_st_mrs_age_testUpdates for the Star Schema for Mortality Reporting System by...
validate_namesValidate names
starschemar documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:49 a.m.