
# Less cool counterparts to purrr's side-effect capture-rs
# Most of the helper functions are 100% from output.R in purrr repo
# @param quiet Hide errors (`TRUE`, the default), or display them
#   as they occur?
# @param otherwise Default value to use when an error occurs.
# @return `safely`: wrapped function instead returns a list with
#   components `result` and `error`. One value is always `NULL`.
#   `quietly`: wrapped function instead returns a list with components
#   `result`, `output`, `messages` and `warnings`.
#   `possibly`: wrapped function uses a default value (`otherwise`)
#   whenever an error occurs.
# safely <- function(.f, otherwise = NULL, quiet = TRUE) {
#   function(...) capture_error(.f(...), otherwise, quiet)
# }

# quietly <- function(.f) {
#   function(...) capture_output(.f(...))
# }
# possibly <- function(.f, otherwise, quiet = TRUE) {
#   force(otherwise)
#   function(...) {
#     tryCatch(.f(...),
#       error = function(e) {
#         if (!quiet)
#           message("Error: ", e$message)
#         otherwise
#       },
#       interrupt = function(e) {
#         stop("Terminated by user", call. = FALSE)
#       }
#     )
#   }
# }
# capture_error <- function(code, otherwise = NULL, quiet = TRUE) {
#   tryCatch(
#     list(result = code, error = NULL),
#     error = function(e) {
#       if (!quiet)
#         message("Error: ", e$message)
#       list(result = otherwise, error = e)
#     },
#     interrupt = function(e) {
#       stop("Terminated by user", call. = FALSE)
#     }
#   )
# }
# capture_output <- function(code) {
#   warnings <- character()
#   wHandler <- function(w) {
#     warnings <<- c(warnings, w$message)
#     invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
#   }
#   messages <- character()
#   mHandler <- function(m) {
#     messages <<- c(messages, m$message)
#     invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
#   }
#   temp <- file()
#   sink(temp)
#   on.exit({
#     sink()
#     close(temp)
#   })
#   result <- withCallingHandlers(
#     code,
#     warning = wHandler,
#     message = mHandler
#   )
#   output <- paste0(readLines(temp, warn = FALSE), collapse = "\n")
#   list(
#     result = result,
#     output = output,
#     warnings = warnings,
#     messages = messages
#   )
# }

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starter documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:15 a.m.