Man pages for startup
Friendly R Startup Configuration

checkCheck for and fix common mistakes in .Rprofile
current_scriptGets the pathname of the currently running startup script
find_rprofileLocates the .Rprofile and .Renviron files used during the...
find_rprofile_dLocates the .Rprofile.d and .Renviron.d directories used...
installInstall and uninstall support for .Renviron.d and .Rprofile.d...
is_debug_onChecks whether startup debug is on or not
is_essCheck if running R via Emacs Speaks Statistics (ESS)
is_jupyterChecks if running R via Jupyter
is_microsoftrCheck if running R via Microsoft R Open
is_pqrCheck if running a Pretty Quick Version of R (pqR)
is_radianCheck if running R via radian (formerly known as rtichoke and...
is_rstudio_consoleChecks if running R in RStudio Console or RStudio Terminal
is_vscodeChecks if running R via Visual Studio Code (VSCode)
is_webrChecks if running R via webR
is_wineCheck if running R on Windows using Wine
on_session_enterRegister functions to be evaluated at the beginning or end of...
reset_when_cacheReset all or parts of the "when" cache
restartRestarts R
startupLoad .Renviron.d and .Rprofile.d directories during the R...
startup.optionsOptions and environment variables used by the 'startup'...
startup_session_optionsRecord R session information as options
sysinfoInformation on the current R session
warnProduce a warning
startup documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:38 p.m.