Man pages for statGraph
Statistical Methods for Graphs

anogvaAnalysis Of Graph Variability (ANOGVA)
GICGraph Information Criterion (GIC)
graph.acfAutocorrelation Function Estimation for Graphs
graph.cemGraph Clustering Expectation-Maximization (gCEM)
graph.cor.testTest for Association / Correlation Between Paired Samples of...
graph.distDistance Matrix on a List of Graphs
graph.entropyGraph Spectral Entropy
graph.hclustHierarchical Cluster Analysis on a List of Graphs
graph.kmeansK-means for Graphs
graph.model.selectionGraph Model Selection
graph.mult.scalingMultidimensional Scaling of Graphs
graph.param.estimatorGraph Parameter Estimator
graph.spectral.densityGraph Spectral Density
graph.takahashi.testTest for the Jensen-Shannon Divergence Between Graphs
sp.anogvaSemi-parametric Analysis of Graph Variability (SP-ANOGVA)
statGraph documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:11 p.m.