
Defines functions iprcomp

Documented in iprcomp

# v6 created on June 2, 2019
#  (1) replace missing value by median of corresponding variable. 
#  (Thank Mr. Jun Luo for pointing out the mistake in previous version:
#   replacing missing value by zero)
# v5 created on Feb. 17, 2019
#  (1) when number of variables are too large, the function 'eigen' will be
#      very slow. So we still use 'prcomp', but with modified input dat, 
#      in which NA is replaced by zero
# v4 created on Feb. 15, 2019
#  (1) use 'pairwise.complete.obs' instead of 'na.or.complete'
#      to handle the cases where all probes have at least one NA
# v3 created on Feb. 7, 2019
#  (1) add class to the output object so 'factoextra:::get_eig' can
#      handle the output
# v2 created on Jan. 29, 2019
#  (1) change '.scale' to 'scale.'
#  (2) simplify the R code
# created on Jan. 29, 2019
#  (1) calculate principal components when data containing missing values

# improved prcomp

# dat - n x p matrix; rows are subjects and columns are variables
iprcomp=function(dat, center=TRUE, scale. = FALSE)
    # impute missing values as the median of that variable
    dat2=apply(dat, 2, function(x){
        m=median(x, na.rm=TRUE)
  res = prcomp(dat, center = center, scale. = scale.)

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statVisual documentation built on Feb. 21, 2020, 1:08 a.m.