##This Invisible Chunk is required in all CRMDA documents tmpdir <- paste0("tmpout") if (!dir.exists(tmpdir)) dir.create(tmpdir, recursive = TRUE) knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo=TRUE, comment=NA, fig.path=paste0(tmpdir, "/p-")) options(width = 70) options(width = 70)
## not needed b/c this vignette has custom files in theme folder library(stationery) files1 <- c("logoleft.pdf", "logo-vert.pdf", "report-template.tex", "R.bib") getFiles(files1, pkg = "stationery") files2 <- c("guide-template.tex") getFiles(files2, pkg = "stationery")
\begin{abstract} This is about code chunks and interacting with statistical software via a document. \end{abstract}
A code chunk is a runable piece of R code. Re-producing the document will re-run calculations.
Code chunk technology is beneficial because the risk of mismatch between the commentary in a paper and the results being discussed is reduced.
The document family offered by the stationery
package for R a number of
code-chunk worthy document templates. We can write in either
(file format: Rmd
) or noweb
/\LaTeX\ (file format:
) to produce formal report documents or informal guides for
educational presentations. There are two chunk management "engines"
that can be used with noweb
/\LaTeX\ documents, Sweave
and knitr
while for Rmarkdown
documents the only code chunk engine is knitr
The output format may be either HTML for Web pages or portable
document format (PDF).
As a result of the "mixing and matching" among document preparation
formats, output formats, and processing technologies, we have a fairly
large family of document types among which to choose. We refer to the
in and output formats by the a shorthand, "input2output", as in
"rmd2html" to mean an Rmd
document that will end up as a Web page.
The formats that we are preparing at this time are:
When a document is prepared in noweb
/\LaTeX\ or Rmarkdown
, a
document will be converted through several formats to arrive in either
HTML or PDF. If everything "just works", then authors might not worry
too much about success at each individual stage. In my experience,
more elaborate documents almost never "just work". Understanding the
sequence of transitions can help in correcting problems.
This document is about one of the earliest stages in document
processing. The transition from Rnw -> tex
, or from Rmd -> md
will scan the document for "code chunks", send them to R, and then the
results might be put to use in the document. This is called "weaving"
or "knitting", depending on which chunk-processing function is used.
The older, traditional method is called Sweave
, while the newer
engine is called knitr
Suppose a professor is writing about the psychology of adolescence or social conflict in Uganda. In the "old" paradigm, the professor will do some statistical analysis in SAS or SPSS and the copy/paste output into the document. This is a tedious, error prone process. Documents produced in this way are difficult to keep up-to-date and difficult to proof read.
Instead of cutting and pasting, we instead insert code chunks that are run during document preparation. The advantages of this are obvious. The statistical code and results never become "out of step" with the final document. If the raw data is revised somehow, we no longer repeat the "old" fashioned process of re-running the analysis and then "copy/pasting" the results into a revised document. Instead, we run through the document preparation steps again and the results are automatically updated and revised.
Code chunks are allowed in both noweb
/\LaTeX\ and Rmarkdown
intended for either HTML or PDF. In R, the original method for
creating code is
called "Sweave". A code chunk
is created by a somewhat cumbersome notation that begins with "<<>>="
and ends with "@". Here is a code chunk that runs a regression model.
<<>>= lm(y ~ x, data = dat) @
The chunks in noweb
/\LaTeX\ documents can be processed by knitr
well. In Rmarkdown
documents, knitr
is the only chunk-processing
technology that is available. In Rmarkdown
documents, the outer
boundaries are changed to three back ticks, along with squiggly braces
and the letter "r", which designates the language being processed
can handle several languages).
r ''````r
lm(y ~ x, data = dat)
r ''````
These are simple, unnamed chunks. In actual usage, the beginning of the chunk usually has several additional arguments, including a name for the chunk. Names are helpful because error messages will later report the name of the failed chunk. For that reason, we suggest, as a general policy, that chunks should be named.
<<mychunk10>>= lm(y ~ x, data = dat) @
r ''````r
lm(y ~ x, data = dat)
r ''````
The options, which control if the code is displayed in the document, or if the output is included, and so forth, can be specified after the chunk's name.
Some documents may not use the code chunks. But it is nice to know they are available when we need them.
Whether we use knitr or Sweave to handle code chunks, the same chores must be handled. The key options available in both frameworks are
In the documentation for Sweave, the original chunk processor, the
options are declared by short names T
or F
, while in the time
since then the R Core generally suggests writing the full names TRUE
. In documentation about knitr
, authors are much more
likely to write out the full names TRUE
differs from Sweave
in a few interesting ways that we will
explore as we go. knitr
has different codes for document-wide
options. It also has a richer set of options to control functions to
handle the document processing. One benefit of knitr is that it can be
used to write about other kinds of programs. I've used it to write
about the BASH shell, for example.
Rather than going through all possible chunk arguments, we now survey (and give examples) of the chunk variations that we require in documents, for any frontend or backend. We need the ability to create chunks that:
This document is prepared with Rmarkdown
. The chunks are converted
from Rmd
to md
by the knitr
Because this document is using the PDF backend, we are able to use the
\LaTeX\ listings
package to display the results. listings
is a
highly customizable framework that can beautify the code and output
The listings display is set to show code chunks in a light gray
background with a monospace typewriter font. I prefer to not display
the R prompt ">" in the listings display for code input. In addition,
contrary to the Rmarkdown
default, I do not want the R comment symbol,
, at the beginning of every line of output.
A chunk that is evaluated, echoed, both input and output. This is a standard chunk, no chunk options are used:
r ''````r
x <- rnorm(100)
r ''````
The user will see both the input code and the output, each in a separate box:
x <- rnorm(100)
Notice the code highlighting is not entirely successful, as the function
is only half-highlighted.
A chunk with commands that are echoed into the document, but not
evaluated (eval=F
r ''````r
x <- rnorm(100)
r ''````
The user will not see any code that runs, but only a result box:
r ''````r
x <- rnorm(100)
r ''````
When the document is compiled, the reader will see the depiction of the code, which is (by default) beautified and reformatted:
x <- rnorm(100)
A chunk that is evaluated, with output displayed, but code is not
echoed (echo=F
). It is not necessary to specify eval=T
that is a default.
r ''````r
x <- rnorm(100)
r ''````
The user will not see any code that runs, but only a result box:
x <- rnorm(100)
A hidden code chunk. A chunk that is evaluated, but neither is the
input nor output displayed (include=F
r ''````r
x <- rnorm(100)
r ''````
Here's what happens when that is processed:
x <- rnorm(100)
What is the grammatically correct way to say "did you see nothing?"
You should not even see an empty box? After that, the object x
exists in the on-going R session, it can be put to use.
A chunk that creates a graph, and allows it to be inserted into the document, but the code is not echoed.
r ''````r
hist(x, main = "One Histogram Displayed Inline")
r ''````
The result of that should simply be a graph inserted into the final document, with no signal to the reader that it was produced by a code chunk.
hist(x, main = "One Histogram Displayed Inline")
Save a graph in a file and display it at another point in the document.
A. First, I demonstrate feature unique to the PDF backend. PDF documents have features for "floating" tables and figures and these can be used. A chunk that creates a graph and provides a caption will cause a float to be created.
r ''````rA Floating Histogram"}
hist(x, main = "One Histogram")
r ''````
rA Floating Histogram"}
hist(x, main = "One Histogram")
Observe in the output we have a numbers, floating figure. Because we inserted a label with the caption, we can cross-reference Figure \ref{fig:hfloat}. Figure numbers will be adjusted automatically as new figures are added before and after this chunk. This feature is not available in HTML.
B. For HTML output, the best we can do is save a graph, but does not allow it to be displayed immediately.
r ''````r
hist(x, main = "Another Histogram")
r ''````
hist(x, main = "Another Histogram")
Why do this? In HTML, we don't have the option to create figure
floats, but the next-best option is to show code for a figure, but
prevent its inclusion in the document by setting fig.show="hide"
In this code chunk, we asked for output in 2 formats, one as png and one as pdf.
Now that the image file exists, we can insert it manually, because the pdf was saved in a file named "tmpout/p-chunk60-1.pdf". I chose the name "tmpout" in the template, that is configurable. But I like that name pretty much. Here, for example, is an HTML table in which I have embedded that image
If we want to insert the figure with markdown tools, we could. This is
the code that would typically be used.
![Another Histogram](tmpout/p-chunk65-1.pdf)
This is inflexible because the image cannot be rescaled. Also, note that markdown does not have a concept of "centering" or "alignment" of a figure, so to a significant extent we have to focus on tools in the backend document language. Here we suggest using backend-specific code to include--and scale--the figure. This inserts the figure using \LaTeX\ terminology in a PDF document__
Here we are happy to see that the raw \LaTeX code for inserting graphics does work (but do not understand why).
If we are targeting an HTML backend, we would write a similar request
in HTML code, using the file tmpout/p-chunk65-1.png
<img src="tmpout/p-chunk65-1.png" alt="a floating histogram" width="308"
height = "216">
Here, we are guessing that the end user's screen will tolerate an image that is 308 pixels wide. If I were writing in HTML at the moment, I'd try harder on sizing that appropriately. But this is a PDF document and this is just an example of what an HTML author might do.
One chunk that shows a series of commands. This is an example of a
feature in the knitr
chunk-processing framework. It is not
directly accessible from Sweave, but it can be achieved by some
careful coding. The knitr
code chunk option will . It is
possible to display the whole graph created by the
series of commands.
In this case, we demonstrate the usual R plotting exercise in which a "blank" plot is created, and then lines, points, and labels are added one by one.
## alter par, after keeping copy par.orig <- par(no.readonly = FALSE) par(xaxs="i", yaxs="i", xpd=FALSE)
plot(c(0, 1), c(0, 1), xlim = c(0,1), ylim = c(0,1), type = "n", ann = FALSE, axes = F) rect(0, 0, 1, 1, col = "light grey", border = "grey") axis(1, tck = 0.01, pos = 0, cex.axis = 0.6, padj = -3, lwd = 0.8, at = seq(0, 1, by = 0.2), labels = c("", seq(0.2,0.8, by=0.2), "")) axis(2, tck = 0.01, pos = 0, cex.axis = 0.6, padj = 3, lwd = 0.3, at = seq(0, 1, by = 0.2), labels = c("", seq(0.2,0.8, by=0.2), "")) mtext(expression(x), side = 1, line = 0.5, at = .6, cex = .6) mtext(expression(y), side = 2, line = 0.5, at = .6, cex = .6) mtext(c("Min x", "Max x"), side = 1, line = -0.5, at = c(0.05, 0.95), cex = .6) mtext(c("Min y", "Max y"), side = 2, line = -0.5, at = c(0.05, 0.95), cex = .6) lines(c(.6, .6, 0), c(0, .6, .6), lty = "dashed") text(.6, .6, expression(paste("The location ", group("(",list(x[i] == .6, y[i] == .6),")"))), pos = 3, cex = .7) points(.6, .6, pch = 16)
I want to run that code from top to bottom, but I don't want to retype
it. Both Sweave and knitr allow one to retrieve code from a chunk and
put it to use again. This demonstrates the knitr method, which uses
the chunk option ref.label
r ''````r
r ''````
This produces one figure, which happens to illustrate the Cartesian plane (between 0 and 1 on both axes):
However, we might be in teaching mode and we need to demonstrate the
effect of each successive R function in the process of creating the
figure. If one is using Sweave
, one will have to write many separate
chunks, each to accomplish each stage. In comparison, the knitr
engine has a special option, fig.keep
, which instructs the system to
keep a snapshot of each separate image in the creation of this figure.
r ''````r
r ''````
A quick check of the tmpout directory shows that this code created several graphs. Observe:
list.files("tmpout", pattern="p-chunk76.*pdf")
There is a separate output file for each stage in the transition,
through p-chunk-76-11.pdf
. It is a bit tricky to
display a matrix of figures "automatically", but I'll use a \LaTeX\
structure to do this work.
\caption{Four snapshots}
\subfloat[Blank Axes]{ \includegraphics[width=3in]{tmpout/p-chunk76-4.pdf} } \subfloat[Labels for Axes]{ \includegraphics[width=3in]{tmpout/p-chunk76-8.pdf} }
\subfloat[Begin decorations]{ \includegraphics[width=3in]{tmpout/p-chunk76-9.pdf} }\subfloat[Finished]{ \includegraphics[width=3in]{tmpout/p-chunk76-11.pdf} } \end{figure}
If the backend is HTML, we probably need R functions that will write HTML code that can slide into our document as is. If the backend is PDF, we probably need a table in \LaTeX\ markup. I say probably because sometimes the compilation fails, even if we have the expected formats, because there are little wrinkles
## alter par, after keeping copy par.orig <- par(no.readonly = FALSE) par(xaxs="i", yaxs="i", xpd=FALSE)
This is "SLOW!" That's a common complaint about compiling a document that has substantial code chunks. It is SLOW. The delay discourages authors from following my advice to "compile early, compile often."
When I am writing in \LaTeX, I have found 2 strategies to deal with
the slowness caused by processing R chunks. First, I have sometimes
created "document branches". If we put all of the R code in a document
branch, and then flag that branch as "inactive", then the document can
be compiled without re-processing all of the R code. Second, I have
used a simpler "two document" strategy. I have one noweb
file with code chunks. It has nothing else, no commentary. Using the
flag, that document can be compiled to run the R code. The
run creates separate code files for each of the chunks. Then I have a
second document that inputs those chunks where desired. In order to
compile the document, then, it is not necessary for me to re-run all
of the calculations. Both of these approaches require some planning
and it is important to run the code-producing branch (or file) when
generating a final version of the document.
Neither of my workaround features are available for Rmarkdown authors,
in large part because the split=T
document option is not allowed in
Rmarkdown. In fairness, I admit that the "homemade" document
workarounds that I use may be difficult to administer (especially for
novices). The Rmarkdown
and knitr
authors have employed an
alternative strategy known as "code caching". When a chunk is
processed, a copy of the calculations can be saved and used next
time. The "magic trick", if it works perfectly, will never re-run a
chunk unless it is necessary. In the implementation, my experience
has been somewhat mixed, but quite a bit of effort has been made by
the package authors.
In an Rmarkdown document that reports on extensive simulations, I would almost certainly avoid embedding the code in the document and I'd write a separate document that can conduct calculations and export tables and graphs. This is more difficult in Rmarkdown than it is in PDF documents, but it can be done.
One document can be handled only with one chunk-handling framework.
I have much more experience with Sweave and generally prefer it, but
recognize the fact that the young crowd likes knitr
, so this was
prepared with knitr
At the beginning of an Sweave document, we can specify document-wide
paramters. Here is a standard piece that I use in noweb
\SweaveOpts{prefix.string=tmpout/t, split=TRUE, ae=FALSE, height=5, width=6}
Here are the highlights:
The prefix.string
parameter specifies that output files will be
placed in a folder tmpout
and the first letter will be t
. The user
can, of course, change the prefix to any letter. (Because each
document can have a different prefix, it is possible then to have
several document that output files into the same output folder.)
asks Sweave to keep each chunks input and output
results in a separate file. This is very handy, as will be explained
Turn off the ae
feature set. Those features were created long ago
and they interfere with more modern packages.
After the R session is started, one of the first chunks will create
the tmpout
directory, the collector of output graphs and code chunks:
<<echo=F>>= if(!dir.exists("tmpout"))dir.create("tmpout", recursive = TRUE) @
Some R users may not have noticed, but all R sessions include a large
array of default settings that control display of warnings, the
command prompt, reporting of decimals, and so forth. The options
function is used to control the line length of output and the display
of the command prompt. There is also an object called par, which sets
defaults for plots. I almost always have a chunk that adjusts both
and opt
<<Roptions, echo=F, include=F>>= opts.orig <- options() options(device = pdf) options(width=160, prompt=" ", continue=" ") options(useFancyQuotes = FALSE) set.seed(12345) par.orig <- par(no.readonly=TRUE) pjmar <- c(5.1, 5.1, 1.5, 2.1) options(SweaveHooks=list(fig=function() par(mar=pjmar, ps=10))) pdf.options(onefile=FALSE, family="Times", pointsize=10) @
Save something for later
Use include=F
to save something for later. This avoids some output
problems that result from the one-size-fits-all tendency of the
"completely automatic" document builder. In the usual weave''
documentation, a user is told to type in a chunk and then the output
plops into the document
right there''. Sometimes, it is nicer to
create the chunk outputs and figures, and then insert them later. This
gives the author much more control over the size and position of
graphs (and it is why we turn off ae
). I learned this trick from
Duncan Murdoch in the r-help email list.
This chunk would create a figure named tmpout/t-chunkfig.pdf
. The
chunk will not be displayed in the document, but it will still
create a code chunk output file because echo=T
<<chunkfig, include=F, echo=T, fig=T>>= ## R code for figure here @
A file named tmpout/t-chunkfig.pdf
will be created in the tmpout
directory. (Recall t-
was designated as the prefix).
Now that the chunk was created, we are free to insert the graphic wherever we want in the usual \LaTeX\ way. For example,
Note .pdf
is not incldued with the file name.
The echo result created a file named tmpout/t-chunkfig.tex
and we
insert that wherever we want with the \LaTeX\ input
macro. Interestingly, we need to provide the full name, including
There are many R functions that can create \LaTeX\ markup. This is
especially useful for tables. If a chunk's output is text with \LaTeX\
markup, and we want that tex to go "into the document immediately,
right here," then we add the chunk argument results=tex
. However,
it is also possible to use the "save something for later" approach.
<<chunktable, include=F, results=tex>>= # R code here @
That creates a file named tmpout/t-chunktable.tex
, which
I would insert into the document whenever I like with
Why do this? Why separate chunk output creation from inclusion in a document? I can put the chunk in wherever I want, but more importantly I might that chunk in a different document. It is very convenient to come along later sort through the output in the tmpout folder. I might need to make a separate slide show document displaying the same tables and/or figures and this makes it easy to do that.
The automatic ``stick this output in where the chunk is placed'' approach works great with lecture notes and guides because these things are easy to update and re-run.
In conclusion, the "automatic" "self-documenting" report is almost never exactly correct. It requires some "finger painting", if only to regain control of the position and size of figures. By saving the chunks, we give ourselves a degree of control.
There are many programs for creating regression tables. Every author will have to test to find out if the results are desirable.
Here we test the outreg
function in the rockchalk package. outreg
can generate output in either LaTeX or HTML, and the former is needed
for a document that is compiled into a PDF document.
set.seed(234234) dat <- data.frame(x1 = rnorm(100), x2 = rnorm(100), y = rnorm(100)) library(rockchalk) m1 <- lm(y ~ x1, data = dat) m2 <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2, data = dat) vl <- c("x1" = "Excellent Predictor", "x2" = "Adequate Predictor") outreg(list("First Model" = m1, "Second Model" = m2), varLabels = vl, tight = FALSE, type = "latex")
There are many other regression-table-making functions available today. I made some lecture notes about it for the R summer workshops that we offer at KU (http://pj.freefaculty.org/guides/Rcourse/regression-tables-1).
In the CRMDA, we have devoted a good deal of effort to the creation of
a program that can create good-looking tables to summarize structural
equation models (SEM). Please try the function semTable
in the
package (when finished, that function will probably be moved
to a package named semTable
The Sweave default system uses the \LaTeX\ Verbatim class to offer input
and output chunks in the document. A better approach, pioneered by
Frank Harrell (Vanderbilt) uses the \LaTeX\ class listings
. Harrell
prepared a replacement for R's Sweave.sty and called it
Sweavel.sty. I've used that for many years. Because we made a few
minor customizations, that style file is now called kureport.sty
We are using the listings class to display input and output chunks in this document. In the preamble, we have some special settings that control the color of text, the background, and so forth. The listings class has an elaborate settings framework.
The following is a listings display. It is not Sweaved, it is simply a LaTeX listings environment colored by the settings in the preamble
\begin{lstlisting} x <- rnorm(100) y <- rpois(100, lambda = 2) plot(y ~ x) \end{lstlisting}
Session Information is usually not written into a report, but in a guide file we regularly will include it as follows.
if(!is.null(warnings())){ print("Warnings:") warnings() }
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