Man pages for stats19
Work with Open Road Traffic Casualty Data from Great Britain

accidents_sampleSample of stats19 data (2022 accidents)
casualties_sampleSample of stats19 data (2022 casualties)
check_input_fileLocal helper to be reused.
dl_stats19Download STATS19 data for a year
file_namesstats19 file names for easy access
find_file_nameFind file names within stats19::file_names.
format_casualtiesFormat STATS19 casualties
format_collisionsFormat STATS19 'accidents' data
format_column_namesFormat column names of raw STATS19 data
format_pppConvert STATS19 data into ppp (spatstat) format.
format_sfFormat convert STATS19 data into spatial (sf) object
format_vehiclesFormat STATS19 vehicles data
get_data_directoryGet data download dir
get_MOTDownload vehicle data from the DVSA MOT API using VRM.
get_stats19Download, read and format STATS19 data in one function.
get_stats19_adjustmentsDownload and read-in severity adjustment factors
get_ULEZDownload DVLA-based vehicle data from the TfL API using VRM.
get_urlConvert file names to urls
locate_filesLocate a file on disk
locate_one_filePin down a file on disk from four parameters.
phraseGenerate a phrase for data download purposes
police_boundariesPolice force boundaries in England (2016)
read_casualtiesRead in STATS19 road safety data from .csv files downloaded.
read_collisionsRead in STATS19 road safety data from .csv files downloaded.
read_vehiclesRead in stats19 road safety data from .csv files downloaded.
schema_originalSchema for stats19 data (UKDS)
select_fileInteractively select from options
set_data_directorySet data download dir
stats19_schemaStats19 schema and variables
vehicles_sampleSample of stats19 data (2022 vehicles)
stats19 documentation built on Nov. 5, 2023, 1:09 a.m.