Man pages for steemr
A Tool for Processing Steem Data

accountCountNumber of Accounts on Steem Blockchain
acnsubAnalysis of the CN sub categories.
adailyfCalculate the the daily frequency. adailyf means 'analysis of...
avotenotFind which followers have not voted a post yet. avotenot...
avotepSummary of the voters of a series of posts. avotep means...
bblogBuild a hugo blog site for a steem author
bmdbuild markdown files from the posts
charsplitSplit the characters in a data frame
clearferfingClear the format of the 'follow' information from...
clear_titleClear the characters in the titles
gaccountsGet the Steem account information within a period from...
gblogRename the getBlog() function from the steemRdata package
gcnerGet the CNer name list
gcommentsGet the comment records of an Steem ID within a period from...
gdelegationGet the delegation information of a Steem ID from SteemSQL...
getAccountAccount Details
getAccountVotesVotes made by an Account
getBlogBlog History
getCommentsComment List
getDelegationDelegations Made by an Account
getNodesList of Steem RPC nodes
getPostDetails of a Steem Post
getPostsByTagRecent Posts containing a particular tag.
getRepliesReplies Made to a Post
getSteemPropertiesSteem Proporties
getTransactionsTransactions made on an account
getTrendingCurrent Trending Posts
getWitnessesCurrent Steem Witnesse and Rank
gfollowGet a name list of an ID's followers and following. gfollow...
gfollowerA list of an id's followers from gfollower means...
gfollowingThe id list of an id's following from gfollowing...
gidGet an ID's detailed info. gid means 'get an ID's...
gidpostlObtain an ID's post hyperlinks. gidpostl means 'get an ID's...
gidpostsObtain an ID's post detailed info from
gpostGet the complete info of a single given post. gpost means...
gpostsGet the detailed information of given posts. gposts means...
gspmvGet the value of Steem per Mvest
gurGet the utopian review data from api
gvotepA post's vote report based on gvotep means 'get...
gvoterGet the vote information of given IDs from SteemSQL. gvoter...
idlinkConvert an id from a character to html hyperlink
pcnerPlot function for the Shiny app scner
pdatePlot a time series with x as Date.
phistPlot a histogram of a vector.
phourHour rose plot. Copied and modified from the openair package....
repcalcCalculate the reputation of an ID
scnerA shiny app to display and anaylize the CNers. scner means...
scner_uiUI for the Shiny app scner display and analysis
sfollowA shiny app to display and anaylize the followers a given ID....
sfollow_serverServer for the Shiny app sfollow display and analysis
sfollow_uiUI for the Shiny app 'sfollow()'
skewnessCalculate the skewness
spostsA shiny app to display and anaylize the posts of a given ID....
sposts_serverServer for the Shiny app sposts display and analysis
sposts_uiUI for the Shiny app sposts display and analysis
ssqlOpen Connections to the SteemSQL server. ssql means 'send to...
tag_of_postRetrieve tags from json_str of a post
unitconvertConcert unit from GV, MV, kV to numeric values.
whaleCalculate the level of and ID
xatfAdapt the x axis to the time range
steemr documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:04 p.m.