Man pages for stepPenal
Stepwise Forward Variable Selection in Penalized Regression

findROCCompute the area under the ROC curve
lassomodelFits a lasso model and a lasso followed by a stepAIC...
objFunObjective function
optimPenaLikVariable selection based on the combined penalty CL= (1-w)L0...
optimPenaLikL2Variable selection based on the combined penalty CL2= (1-w)L0...
penalBrierEvaluation of the performance of risk prediction models with...
SimDataSimulate data with normally distributed predictors and binary...
stepaicStepwise forward variable selection based on the AIC...
StepPenalStepwise forward variable selection using penalized...
StepPenalL2Stepwise forward variable selection using penalized...
tuneParamTune parameters w and lamda using the CL penalty
tuneParamCL2Tune parameters w and lamda using the CL2 penalty
stepPenal documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:11 p.m.