
#' @importFrom tibble tibble

#' Arctic Sea Ice Extent Data, 1901-2015
#' This data set from Connelly et al. (2017) measures the Arctic sea
#'  ice extent in 10^6 square kilometers. It includes lower bounds and
#'  upper bounds on annual averages.
#' @format A data frame with 115 observations on the following 4 variables.
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{year}}{the year}
#' \item{\code{value}}{the annual Arctic sea ice extent (in 10^6 sq km)}
#' \item{\code{ub}}{The upper bound of the value, provided by Connelly et al.}
#' \item{\code{lb}}{The lower bound of the value, provided by Connelly et al.}
#' }
#' @references Connolly et al. (2017), ''Re-calibration of Arctic sea ice extent
#' datasets using Arctic surface air temperature records''.
#' *Hydrological Sciences Journal* 62(8): 1317--40.
#' @details This is for illustration of climate change for my intro students.
#' Connelly et al. (2017) are in part a methodological paper. The data I present
#' here are from the "rescaled (unadjusted T)" data in the second sheet from
#' their replication files.

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