
##' Docker Client For R
##' \code{stevedore} implements a docker client for R.  Docker is a
##' framework for "containerisation" - abstracting the details of how
##' software is installed and run.  It is conceptually similar to
##' virtualisation but much lighter weight.
##' Within the R space containers have been discussed for:
##' \emph{Reproducible research}: collecting all dependencies for an
##' analysis into an image that can be run by other people without
##' installation headaches.
##' \emph{Testing packages}: Collect all the requirements of a package
##' together and run your tests in an isolated environment.
##' Containers can also be used to construct larger applications with
##' multiple processes that need to talk to each other - for example a
##' database, API server and proxy server.  One might also implement
##' something like a set of shiny servers that are load balanced
##' through a proxy!
##' This package provides a complete interface to docker allowing you
##' to basically everything that can be done from the command line
##' from within R.  All communication happens over docker's HTTP API
##' and does not use system commands.  As a result, the information
##' returned back to R is richer and the interface is likely to be
##' reliable than parsing the command line output. \code{stevedore}'s
##' interface is largely automatically generated so will track new
##' features available in the docker daemon closely.
##' The interface is designed to be similar to docker's command link
##' API - the command for creating a network on the command line is
##' \preformatted{
##' docker network create mynetwork
##' }
##' and in \code{stevedore} can be done as
##' \preformatted{
##' docker <- stevedore::docker_client()
##' docker$network$create("mynetwork")
##' }
##' Familiarity with the command line interface will be helpful but
##' probably as much because of the concepts as the details.
##' To get started, please see the package vignette - running
##' \code{vignette("stevedore")} will work if the package was
##' installed with the vignettes, or see
##' \url{https://richfitz.github.io/stevedore/}. A good place to get
##' started with the reference documentation is the
##' \code{\link{docker_client}} function.
##' @name stevedore
##' @docType package

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stevedore documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:35 p.m.