Man pages for stochQN
Stochastic Limited Memory Quasi-Newton Optimizers

adaQNadaQN guided optimizer
adaQN_freeadaQN Free-Mode Optimizer
coef.stoch_logisticRetrieve fitted coefficients from stochastic logistic...
get_curr_xGet current values of the optimization variables
get_iteration_numberGet current iteration number from the optimizer object
oLBFGSoLBFGS guided optimizer
oLBFGS_freeoLBFGS Free-Mode Optimizer
partial_fitPartial fit stochastic model to new data
partial_fit_logisticUpdate stochastic logistic regression model with new batch of...
predict.stoch_logisticPrediction function for stochastic logistic regression
predict.stochQN_guidedPredict function for stochastic optimizer object
print.adaQNPrint summary info about adaQN guided-mode object
print.adaQN_freePrint summary info about adaQN free-mode object
print.oLBFGSPrint summary info about oLBFGS guided-mode object
print.oLBFGS_freePrint summary info about oLBFGS free-mode object
print.SQNPrint summary info about SQN guided-mode object
print.SQN_freePrint summary info about SQN free-mode object
print.stoch_logisticPrint general info about stochastic logistic regression...
run_adaQN_freeRun adaQN optimizer in free-mode
run_oLBFGS_freeRun oLBFGS optimizer in free-mode
run_SQN_freeRun SQN optimizer in free-mode
SQNSQN guided optimizer
SQN_freeSQN Free-Mode Optimizer
stochastic.logistic.regressionStochastic Logistic Regression
summary.stoch_logisticPrint general info about stochastic logistic regression...
update_funUpdate objective function value (adaQN)
update_gradientUpdate gradient (oLBFGS, SQN, adaQN)
update_hess_vecUpdate Hessian-vector product (SQN)
stochQN documentation built on Sept. 26, 2021, 9:07 a.m.