Man pages for strap
Stratigraphic Tree Analysis for Palaeontology

AsaphidaePhylogeny and age data for the Asaphidae
DateNodeHedmanCalculates branch lengths for a topology
DatePhyloCalculates branch lengths for a topology
DatePhyloHedmanCalculates branch lengths for a topology
DipnoiPhylogeny and age data for dipnoans (lungfish)
FindDescendantsFinds the tip numbers descending from a specific node in a...
geoscalePhyloPlots a phylogeny against the geological time scale
geoscalePhylo.modPlots a phylogeny against the geological time scale
strap-packageMeasuring Morphological Diversity and Evolutionary Tempo
StratPhyloCongruenceCalculates fit to stratigraphy metrics for a set of tree(s)
UKzonesBritish regional stages for the Ordovician
strap documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:26 a.m.