strategicplayers-package: Strategic Players

strategicplayers-packageR Documentation

Strategic Players


Identifies individuals in a social network who should be the intervention subjects for a network intervention in which you have a group of targets, a group of avoiders, and a group that is neither.


The DESCRIPTION file: This package was not yet installed at build time.
Index: This package was not yet installed at build time.
use the sp function to get a list of strategic players indicies


Miles Ott

Maintainer: Miles Ott <>



#I am commenting this all out so that the package won't require sna any more :)


#generate a bernoulli random network on 20 nodes
#network<-rgraph(20, tprob=.2)          

#get the geodesic distances of the network

#defining the target group

#defining the avoidance group

#defining the theta parameter

#find sp set of size 4
#spset<-sp(4, geo, targets, avoids, theta, n.loops=100)  

#calculates distance metric for spset
#distance(geo, targets, avoids, theta, spset)           

#plot the network with the strategic player set highlighted in yellow

#colors<-rep("white", 20)
#gplot(network, vertex.col=colors, 
#usearrows=FALSE, edge.col="grey",
#vertex.border="grey", vertex.cex=1.7, pad=0, label=1:dim(network)[1])

strategicplayers documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:34 a.m.