
the data extracted from font file are as expected

  string2path("A", "./font/test.ttf")
  # A tibble: 4 x 4
        x     y glyph_id path_id
    <dbl> <dbl>    <int>   <int>
  1 0     0            0       0
  2 0.800 0.800        0       0
  3 0     0.800        0       0
  4 0     0            0       0
  string2stroke("A", "./font/test.ttf")
  # A tibble: 4 x 4
        x     y glyph_id path_id
    <dbl> <dbl>    <int>   <int>
  1 0     0            0       0
  2 0.800 0.800        0       0
  3 0     0.800        0       0
  4 0     0            0       0
  string2fill("A", "./font/test.ttf")
  # A tibble: 4 x 4
        x     y glyph_id path_id
    <dbl> <dbl>    <int>   <int>
  1 0     0            0       0
  2 0.800 0.800        0       0
  3 0     0.800        0       0
  4 0     0            0       0

the data extracted from installed font are as expected

  string2path("A", "Arial")
  # A tibble: 25 x 4
            x     y glyph_id path_id
        <dbl> <dbl>    <int>   <int>
   1 -0.00131 0            0       0
   2  0.245   0.641        0       0
   3  0.336   0.641        0       0
   4  0.598   0            0       0
   5  0.502   0            0       0
   6  0.427   0.194        0       0
   7  0.159   0.194        0       0
   8  0.0887  0            0       0
   9 -0.00131 0            0       0
  10  0.184   0.263        0       1
  # i 15 more rows
  string2stroke("A", "Arial")
  # A tibble: 150 x 5
         x       y glyph_id path_id triangle_id
     <dbl>   <dbl>    <int>   <int>       <int>
   1 0.255  0.626         0       0           0
   2 0.234  0.656         0       0           0
   3 0.346  0.656         0       0           0
   4 0.255  0.626         0       0           1
   5 0.346  0.656         0       0           1
   6 0.326  0.626         0       0           1
   7 0.326  0.626         0       0           2
   8 0.346  0.656         0       0           2
   9 0.621 -0.0150        0       0           2
  10 0.326  0.626         0       0           3
  # i 140 more rows
  string2fill("A", "Arial")
  # A tibble: 75 x 5
            x     y glyph_id path_id triangle_id
        <dbl> <dbl>    <int>   <int>       <int>
   1  0.0887  0            0       0           0
   2 -0.00131 0            0       0           0
   3  0.159   0.194        0       0           0
   4  0.427   0.194        0       0           1
   5  0.159   0.194        0       0           1
   6  0.184   0.263        0       1           1
   7  0.159   0.194        0       0           2
   8 -0.00131 0            0       0           2
   9  0.184   0.263        0       1           2
  10  0.184   0.263        0       1           3
  # i 65 more rows

Try the string2path package in your browser

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string2path documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 9:35 a.m.