Man pages for stsm
Structural Time Series Models

barrier-evalBarrier Term in the Likelihood Function
datagen-stsmGenerate Data from a Structural Time Series Model
force-defposForce Positive Definiteness of a Matrix
gdp4795USA Real Gross Domestic Product
init-varsInitial Parameter Values
line-searchChoice of the Step Size in the Scoring Algorithm
maxlik-emMaximization of the Time Domain Likelihood Function via the...
maxlik-fdMaximization of the Spectral Likelihood Function
maxlik-tdMaximization of the Time Domain Likelihood Function
method-logLikExtract Log-Likelihood
methods-stsmFitMethods to Extract Information from a Fitted 'stsm' Model...
methods-vcov-confintVariance-covariance Matrix for a Fitted 'stsm' Model Object
mloglik-fdSpectral Log-Likelihood Function and Derivatives
mloglik-tdTime Domain Log-Likelihood Function and Derivatives
sim-dataSimulated Data
stsm-classClass 'stsm' for Structural Time Series Models
stsmFitInterface to Different Fitting Procedures
stsm-methods-char2numericState Space Representation of Objects of Class 'stsm'
stsm-methods-getGetter Methods for Class 'stsm'
stsm-methods-setSetter Methods for Class 'stsm'
stsm-methods-transParsParameterization of Models Defined in the Class 'stsm'
stsm-modelWrapper for Constructor of Objects of Class 'stsm'
stsm-packageStructural Time Series Models
stsm-sgfSpectral Generating Function of Common Structural Time Series...
stsm-show-methodsDisplay an Object of Class 'stsm'
stsm-validObjectCheck the Validity of an Object of Class 'stsm'
stsm documentation built on May 2, 2019, 7:39 a.m.