Man pages for subselect
Selecting Variable Subsets

annealSimulated Annealing Search for an optimal k-variable subset
ccr12First Squared Canonical Correlation for a multivariate linear...
eleapsA Leaps and Bounds Algorithm for finding the best variable...
farmSixty-two economic indicators from 99 Portuguese farms.
gcdComputes Yanai's GCD in the context of the variable-subset...
geneticGenetic Algorithm searching for an optimal k-variable subset
glhHmatTotal and Effect Deviation Matrices for General Linear...
glmHmatInput matrices for subselect search routines in generalized...
improveRestricted Local Improvement search for an optimal k-variable...
ldaHmatTotal and Between-Group Deviation Matrices in Linear...
lmHmatTotal and Effect Deviation Matrices for Linear Regression and...
rmComputes the RM coefficient for variable subset selection
rvComputes the RV-coefficient applied to the variable subset...
subselect-internalInternal subselect Objects
tau2Computes the Tau squared coefficient for a multivariate...
trimmatrixGiven an ill-conditioned square matrix, deletes rows/columns...
waldWald statistic for variable selection in generalized linear...
xi2Computes the Xi squared coefficient for a multivariate linear...
zeta2Computes the Zeta squared coefficient for a multivariate...
subselect documentation built on July 26, 2023, 6:09 p.m.