Man pages for sudokuAlt
Tools for Making and Spoiling Sudoku Games

as.sudokuGeneric Sudoku Game Constructor
as.sudoku.sudokuConstruct a Sudoku Game Object
daysAgoFormat a Past Date
designGameSudoku Design
emptyGameConstruct an empty game
fetchAUGameRetrieve a Sudoku from the AU Site
fetchUKGameRetrieve a Sudoku from the UK Site
makeGameMake a New Sudoku Game
originalGameRetrieve the Original from a Solved Game
plot.sudokuPlot a Sudoku Game
print.sudokuPrint a Sudoku Object
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
seedGameStarting Point to Make a Random Sudoku Game
solveGameSolve a Sudoku Game
solve.sudokuSolve a Sudoku Puzzle
sudokuAlt documentation built on Dec. 16, 2019, 1:23 a.m.