
nested repeated measures tables are beautifully formatted

   Analysis of Variance Table (Type III SS)
   Model: value ~ instructions + (1 | group)

                                SS df     MS     F   PRE     p
   ---------------------- | ------ -- ------ ----- ----- -----
   Between Subjects       |                                   
     instructions         | 12.500  1 12.500 4.687 .5396 .0963
   Error                  | 10.667  4  2.667                  
   Total                  | 23.167  5  4.633                  
   ---------------------- | ------ -- ------ ----- ----- -----
   Within Subjects        |                                   
   Total                  |  5.333 12  0.444                  
   ---------------------- | ------ -- ------ ----- ----- -----
   Total                  | 28.500 17  1.676

crossed repeated measures tables are beautifully formatted

   Analysis of Variance Table (Type III SS)
   Model: rating ~ sex * yearsmarried * children + (1 | couple)

                                     SS df     MS     F   PRE     p
   --------------------------- | ------ -- ------ ----- ----- -----
   Between Subjects            |                                   
     yearsmarried              | 10.125  1 10.125 9.529 .4426 .0094
     children                  |  0.500  1  0.500 0.471 .0377 .5058
     yearsmarried:children     | 10.125  1 10.125 9.529 .4426 .0094
   Error                       | 12.750 12  1.063                  
   Total                       | 33.500 15  2.233                  
   --------------------------- | ------ -- ------ ----- ----- -----
   Within Subjects             |                                   
     sex                       |  3.125  1  3.125 8.824 .4237 .0117
     sex:yearsmarried          |  2.000  1  2.000 5.647 .3200 .0350
     sex:children              |  0.125  1  0.125 0.353 .0286 .5635
     sex:yearsmarried:children |  0.500  1  0.500 1.412 .1053 .2577
   Error                       |  4.250 12  0.354                  
   Total                       | 10.000 16  0.625                  
   --------------------------- | ------ -- ------ ----- ----- -----
   Total                       | 43.500 31  1.403

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supernova documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:47 a.m.