
Defines functions safe_rename

Documented in safe_rename

#' @title Safely Rename Columns in a Dataframe
#' @description Replaces specified column names with user-defined vector of new column name(s). This operation is done "safely" because it specifically matches each 'bad' name with its corresponding 'good' name and thus minimizes the risk of accidentally replacing the wrong column name.
#' @param data (dataframe or dataframe-like) object with column names that match the values passed to the `bad_names` argument
#' @param bad_names (character) vector of column names to replace in original data object. Order does not need to match data column order but *must* match the `good_names` vector order
#' @param good_names (character) vector of column names to use as replacements for data object. Order does not need to match data column order but *must* match the `good_names` vector order
#' @return (dataframe or dataframe-like) with renamed columns
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Make a dataframe to demonstrate
#' df <- data.frame("first" = 1:3, "middle" = 4:6, "second" = 7:9)
#' # Invoke the function
#' safe_rename(data = df, bad_names = c("second", "middle"),
#'             good_names = c("third", "second"))
safe_rename <- function(data = NULL, bad_names = NULL, good_names = NULL){
  # Error out if any arguments are missing
  if(any(is.null(data) | is.null(bad_names) | is.null(good_names)) == TRUE)
    stop("All arguments must be specified")
  # Error out if a different number of bad names and good names
  if(length(bad_names) != length(good_names))
    stop("Must provide same number of replacement column names as names to be replaced")
  # Error out if good names are not characters
  if(is.character(bad_names) != TRUE | is.character(good_names) != TRUE)
    stop("Column names (bad and good) must be provided as characters")
  # Error out if not all "bad_names" are found in the data
  if(all(bad_names %in% names(data)) != TRUE)
    stop("Not all elements of 'bad_names' found in data")
  # Duplicate data
  renamed_data <- data
  # Loop across provided bad names
  for(k in 1:length(bad_names)){
    # Identify single bad name and corresponding good name
    single_bad <- bad_names[k]
    single_good <- good_names[k]
    # Replace that bad name
    names(renamed_data)[names(renamed_data) == single_bad] <- single_good
  } # Close loop
  # Return the renamed data object
  return(renamed_data) }

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