Man pages for survAUC
Estimators of Prediction Accuracy for Time-to-Event Data

AUC.ChamDiaoAUC estimator proposed by Chambless and Diao
AUC.HungChiangAUC estimator proposed by Hung and Chiang
AUC.Song_ZhouAUC estimator proposed by Song and Zhou
AUC.unoAUC estimator proposed by Uno et al.
BeggCC-statistic by Begg et al.
GHCIGonen and Heller's Concordance Index for Cox models
IntegratedAUCIntegration of time-dependent AUC curves
OXSR2-type coefficients for Cox proportional hazards models
plot.survAUCPlot method for survAUC and survErr Objects
predErrDistance-based estimators of survival predictive accuracy
schemper.ErrDistance-based estimator of survival predictive accuracy...
UnoCC-statistic by Uno et al.
survAUC documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:48 p.m.