Man pages for survPen
Multidimensional Penalized Splines for Survival and Net Survival Models

colSums2colSums of a matrix
constraintSum-to-zero constraint
cor.varImplementation of the corrected variance Vc
crsBases for cubic regression splines (equivalent to "cr" in...
crs.FPPenalty matrix constructor for cubic regression splines
datCancerPatients diagnosed with cervical cancer
deriv_RDerivative of a Choleski factor
design.matrixDesign matrix for the model needed in Gauss-Legendre...
grad_rhoGradient vector of LCV and LAML wrt rho (log smoothing...
grapes-cross-grapesMatrix cross-multiplication between two matrices
grapes-mult-grapesMatrix multiplication between two matrices
grapes-vec-grapesMatrix multiplication between a matrix and a vector
Hess_rhoHessian matrix of LCV and LAML wrt rho (log smoothing...
instrPosition of the nth occurrence of a string in another one
inv.repamReverses the initial reparameterization for stable evaluation...
model.consDesign and penalty matrices for the model
NR.betaInner Newton-Raphson algorithm for regression parameters...
NR.rhoOuter Newton-Raphson algorithm for smoothing parameters...
predict.survPenHazard and Survival prediction from fitted 'survPen' model
print.summary.survPenprint summary for a 'survPen' fit
pwcstDefining piecewise constant (excess) hazard in survPen...
rdDefining random effects in survPen formulae
repamApplies initial reparameterization for stable evaluation of...
smfDefining smooths in survPen formulae
smooth.consDesign and penalty matrices of penalized splines in a...
smooth.cons.integralDesign matrix of penalized splines in a smooth.spec object...
smooth.specCovariates specified as penalized splines
summary.survPenSummary for a 'survPen' fit
survPen(Excess) hazard model with (multidimensional) penalized... hazard model with multidimensional penalized splines...
survPenObjectFitted survPen object
tensor.intensor model matrix for two marginal bases product for penalty matrices model matrix
survPen documentation built on Sept. 14, 2023, 1:06 a.m.