svGUI-package: svGUI: SciViews - Manage GUIs in R

Description Details Methods Important functions Dispatch mechanism Author(s) See Also


The 'SciViews' 'svGUI' package eases the management of Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) in R. It is independent from any particular GUI widgets ('Tk', 'Gtk2', native, ...). It centralizes info about GUI elements currently used, and it dispatches GUI calls to the particular toolkits in use in function of the context (is R run at the terminal, within a 'Tk' application, a HTML page?).


The 'SciViews' 'svGUI' package eases the management of Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) in R. It is independent from any particular GUI widgets ('Tk', 'Gtk2', native, ...). It centralizes info about GUI elements currently used, and it dispatches GUI calls to the particular toolkits in use in function of the context (is R run at the terminal, within a 'Tk' application, a HTML page?).

The gui object defines a succession of GUI (or non-GUI) widgets to use. These could be tcltk (with the 'tcltk' or 'tcltk2' R packages), gtk2 (with the 'RGtk2' R package), shiny, etc. You are in charge of managing these different variants of your GUI. The gui object just defines the order of preference for those different variants, and to get a fallback mechanism in case your GUI is not implemented with given widgets. .GUI uses, by default, widgets = c("nativeGUI", "textCLI"). "nativeGUI" is, as you figure it out, a native version of the GUI element. A good example is base::file.choose() that displays a native dialog box to select a file. "textCLI" is not a GUI version, but a way to ask the same information to the user at the terminal (or Command Line, CLI). In the example, it could be base::readline("File to use? "). You GUI should consider the proposed widgets in turn and use the first one on the list that is implemented. It is advised to implement also a version of "textCLI", in case R is run in a text-only context. Finally, if none of the widgets can be run, your code should fall back to use a default value for the file, or to stop gracefully. This is required for non-interactive use or testing of your code, are when your GUI ask is set to FALSE.

Basic GUI items, like message boxes, input box, file or directory selectors, etc. could easily be implemented with different widgets and in a "textCLI" version (see the 'svDialogs' package). So, if your GUI uses the present mechanisms, your end-user could choose the version of the dialog boxes he prefers to use, given the context (R run at the terminal, in 'RGui', in 'RStudio' or 'RStudio Server'; under Windows, Mac OS, or Linux, ...). The choice is easy: just change the sequence of widgets in the corresponding gui object. Of course, several gui objects can live together at the same time, providing different and independent contexts (say, one GUI build with 'RGtk2' would favor "gtk2", but another GUI using 'tcltk' would either favor "tcltk" of course, or c("nativeGUI", "tcltk") just because native dialog boxes may look better, for instance, under macOS or Linux.

Finally, the gui object is basically a separate environment where you could also store various GUI-related objects. On one hand, it does not "pollute" other environments (the worse practice being to put 'tcltk'-related variables in the global environment), and on the other hand, it is very easy to get rid of all the GUI-related objects, just by gui_remove("myGUI"). Also, GUI-related items should not be save.image()d and reload()ed with the other objects, and the gui, being located outside of .GlobalEnv prevents it.


svGUI implements four methods for the S3 gui object:


Give information about the current state of the GUI


Give access to various GUI properties or objects.


Start an UI action that requires to interrupt R (for instance, display an input dialog box) and manage to inform the gui object about it.


Change the status of the UI action currently running.

Important functions

gui_add() and gui_change() for construction and management of guis, gui_remove() to cleanly eliminate all GUI elements, gui_list() to list all gui objects currently loaded in the R session, gui_widgets() to manage the widgets this GUI can use, and in which order, gui_ask() allows to (temporary) disable UI actions to avoid any code that would require input from the user (e.g., to run in batch mode), dont_ask() to determine if the GUI cannot interrupt R to ask something to the user, and should proceed differently (say, just use a default value for an input).

Dispatch mechanism

Methods for gui objects can dispatch as usual using amethod(...., gui = agui) but note that these methods do not dispatch on the first provided argument, but to the named argument gui. There is another way to call gui methods: agui$amethod(...). This may be a convenient alternative for those who prefer this style of calling object's methods (also used in reference classes, 'proto' or 'R6' objects).


Maintainer: Philippe Grosjean (ORCID)

See Also

Useful links:

svGUI documentation built on April 17, 2021, 1:08 a.m.