Man pages for swamp
Visualization, Analysis and Adjustment of High-Dimensional Data in Respect to Sample Annotations

adjust.linearmodelBatch adjustment using a linear model
combatComBat algorithm to combine batches.
confoundingHeatmap of interrelation of sample annotations
corrected.pCorrection of p-values for associations between features and...
dense.plotDensity plots of feature associations in observed and...
feature.assocAssociations of the features to a sample annotation in...
hca.plotDendrogram with according sample annotations
hca.testTests for annotation differences among sample clusters
kill.pcRemoves principal components from a data matrix
princeLinear models of prinicipal conponents dependent on sample...
prince.plotHeatmap of the associations between principal components and...
prince.var.plotScreePlot of the data variation covered by the principal...
quickadjust.refBatch adjustment by median-scaling to a reference batch
quickadjust.zeroBatch adjustment by median-centering
swamp-packageVisualization, Analysis and Adjustment of High-Dimensional...
swamp documentation built on Dec. 6, 2019, 5:09 p.m.