Man pages for syt
Young Tableaux

all_ssSkewTableauxSemistandard skew tableaux
all_ssytxEnumeration of semistandard Young tableaux
all_sytxEnumeration of standard Young tableaux
ballot2sytTableau as ballot sequence
count_ssytxNumber of semistandard Young tableaux
count_sytxNumber of standard Young tableaux
dualSkewTableauDual skew tableau
dualsytDual tableau
dualTableauDual tableau
firstsytFirst tableau of a given shape
GelfandTsetlinPatternsGelfand-Tsetlin patterns
gprocess2sytGrowth process to tableau
hooklengthsHook lengths
isSemistandardSkewTableauCheck whether a skew tableau is semistandard
isSkewTableauCheck whether a tableau is a skew tableau
isSSYTChecks whether a tableau is semistandard
isStandardSkewTableauCheck whether a skew tableau is standard
isSYTChecks whether a tableau is standard
KostkaNumberKostka number
KostkaNumbersKostka numbers for all partitions of a given weight
KostkaNumbersWithGivenLambdaKostka numbers with given lambda
KostkaNumbersWithGivenMuKostka numbers with given mu
matrix2sytStandard Young tableau from a matrix
nextsytNext tableau
prettyGTPretty Gelfand-Tsetlin pattern
prettySkewTableauPretty skew tableau
prettyTableauPretty tableau
rgprocessPlancherel growth process
RSRobinson-Schensted correspondence
rsytRandom standard Young tableau
skewGelfandTsetlinPatternsSkew Gelfand-Tsetlin patterns
skewKostkaNumbersSkew Kostka numbers
skewTableauxWithGivenShapeAndWeightSkew semistandard tableaux with given shape and weight
ssytx_withGivenShapeAndWeightSemistandard Young tableaux with given shape and weight
syt2ballotTableau as ballot sequence
syt2gprocessTableau as growth process
syt2matrixStandard Young tableau as sparse matrix
tableau2matrixTableau as sparse matrix
tableauShapeShape of a tableau
syt documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:28 p.m.