Man pages for tabshiftr
Reshape Disorganised Messy Data

dot-eval_findEvaluate .find constructs
dot-eval_sumEvaluate .sum constructs
dot-expect_valid_tableTest for a valid table
dot-findDetermine row or column on the fly
dot-sumSummarise groups of rows or columns
dot-tidyVarsMatch variables
dot-updateFormatUpdate the formating of a table
getClusterVarExtract cluster variables
getDataExtract summarised data
getGroupVarExtract cluster group variable
getIDVarsExtract identifying variables
getObsVarsExtract observed variables
pipePipe operator
reorganiseReorganise a table
schema-classThe 'schema' class (S4) and its methods
schema_defaultDefault template of a schema description
setClusterSet where the clusters are
setFilterSet filters
setFormatSet the specific format of a table
setGroupsSet Groups
setIDVarSet an identifying variable
setObsVarSet an observed variable
show-schema-methodPrint the 'schema'
tabs2shiftList of table types
validateSchemaCheck and update schema descriptions
tabshiftr documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 10:24 p.m.