validateSchema: Check and update schema descriptions

View source: R/validateSchema.R

validateSchemaR Documentation

Check and update schema descriptions


This function takes a raw schema description and updates values that were only given as wildcard or implied values. It is automatically called by reorganise, but can also be used in concert with the getters to debug a schema.


validateSchema(schema = NULL, input = NULL)



the schema description.


an input for which to check a schema description.


The core idea of a schema description is that it can be written in a very generic way, as long as it describes sufficiently where in a table what variable can be found. A very generic way can be via using the function .find to identify the initially unknown cell-locations of a variable on-the-fly, for example when it is merely known that a variable must be in the table, but not where it is.

validateSchema matches a schema with an input table and inserts the accordingly evaluated positions (of clusters, filters and variables), adapts some of the meta-data and ensures formal consistency of the schema.


An updated schema description


# build a schema for an already tidy table
(tidyTab <- tabs2shift$tidy)

schema <-
  setIDVar(name = "territories", col = 1) %>%
  setIDVar(name = "year", col = .find(pattern = "period")) %>%
  setIDVar(name = "commodities", col = 3) %>%
  setObsVar(name = "harvested", col = 5) %>%
  setObsVar(name = "production", col = 6)

# before ...

# ... after
validateSchema(schema = schema, input = tidyTab)

tabshiftr documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 10:24 p.m.